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Updated: August 6, 2024

"I had a good time floatin' down her on the Missip'. Now I reckon Jim here will hev to row me or paddle me all the way back to Kaintuck." "Ef you wait fur me to row or paddle you, you won't ever travel more'n six inches," said Long Jim. "Jest like you, Jim; you ain't got no gratitood at all fur me gittin' you away from New Orlee-yuns."

"She clings to me," continued the boat-swain, with a rapt expression of face, "in her gratitood, and, proud of my strength and pluck, she marries me." "An' I get a five years' honeymoon," said the soldier. The boatswain shook his head and patted the other's shoulder. "In the excitement of the moment you spring up and escape," he said, with a kindly smile. "I've thought it all out.

Marks; "it ain't her kindness as we want, gal, it's her money. She won't get no snivelin' gratitood from me. Whatever she does for us she does because she is obliged; and if she wasn't obliged she wouldn't do it " Heaven knows how much more Luke Marks might have said, had not my lady turned upon him suddenly and awed him into silence by the unearthly glitter of her beauty.

"Too much! Sure, damn it, wot's the good er bein' alive if we can't help each other sometimes. I don't mind how much I help a person if they have a little gratitood, but, damn it, I can't abear ingratitood." "Good-bye, Mr M'Swat, and thank you." "Good-bye, me gu-r-r-r-l, and never marry that bloke of yours if he don't git a bit er prawperty, for the divil's in a poor match." Back at Possum Gully

Ain't there somethin' we can do to show our gratitood?" the new speaker asked earnestly. "Go to it let her have it, Mamie Flynn!" cried the crowd. "Oh, but you mustn't look at it that way! We must all make some sacrifices " "Cut that slush! What do you know about sacrifices? I'm on to you. You're one of them uptown reformers. What do you know about sacrifices?

They ain't no leather-faced young upstart with weepin'-willow hail going to throw up to me how I brung him up. That's gratitood fur you, that is!" says Hank. "If it hadn't of been fur me giving you a home when I found you first, where would you of been now?" "Well," I says, "I might of been a good 'eal better off.

Later on I turned soldier and didn't find that life a bed o' roses either; to-day I'm a soldier o' the Lord ready to fight, sing and preach to His glory, and ever ready to cheat Old Nick o' what don't belong to him " "What do you mean?" "Souls, brother. I plucks brands from the burning with j'y and gather sheaves with gratitood. You've 'eard o' body-snatchers, I suppose?" "I have."

"An' s'posin' I did?" "Then give it 'ere!" "An' that's his gratitood, sir!" growled Joe, shaking his head and giving the packet into the old man's clutching fingers. "A unnat'ral old bag-o'-bones, that's what 'e is, sir!" "Bones!" croaked the Old Un viciously. "Bag-o'-bones am I? Yah look at ye'self pork, that's what you are, all run to pork an' blubber an' fat, Joe, me pore lad "

"What?" exclaimed Mrs Potter, with sudden indignation: "didn't want you you who has served 'im, off an' on, at that light'ouse for the last six year an' more while it wor a buildin'! Ah, that's gratitood, that is; that's the way some folk shows wot their consciences is made of; treats you like a pair of old shoes, they does, an' casts you off w'en you're not wanted: hah!"

"'Pears to me you take my arm for a pump-handle," said he. "Couldn't you show your gratitood some other way? It's just possible I may want to use my arm ag'in some time." The young man desisted, but invited Dick most cordially to come up and stop a week with him at his country home, assuring him that he wouldn't charge him anything for board. "All right!" said Dick.

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