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I have no objections to yer hangin' yer cap up to our Peter, only that ye have no prawperty in yerself I like ye well enough, but we have other views for Peter. He's almost as good as made it sure with Susie Duffy, an' as ole Duffy will have a bit ev prawperty I want him to git her, an' wouldn't like ye to spoil the fun."

If I walked away from the house to get rid of them, they would follow and hoot at me; and when I reproved them they informed me they were not going "to knuckle under to old Melvyn's darter, the damnedest fool in the world, who's lost all his prawperty, and has to borry money off of pa." Did I shut myself in my room, they shoved sticks in the cracks and made grimaces at me.

He is poor, but has good prospects. You must promise me not to tell anyone, as I wish it kept a secret, and only mention it to you so that you need not be disturbed about Peter." He assured me that he would keep the secret, and I knew I could rely on his word. He was greatly perturbed that my intended was poor. "Never ye marry a man widout a bit er prawperty, me gu-r-r-r-l.

"Too much! Sure, damn it, wot's the good er bein' alive if we can't help each other sometimes. I don't mind how much I help a person if they have a little gratitood, but, damn it, I can't abear ingratitood." "Good-bye, Mr M'Swat, and thank you." "Good-bye, me gu-r-r-r-l, and never marry that bloke of yours if he don't git a bit er prawperty, for the divil's in a poor match." Back at Possum Gully

An' you see Jim always remembered how I had stuck to him straight, an' flung up swell matches for him, which must have showed I loved him. That's what gets over a man, he never forgets that in a girl, an' always thinks more of her than the one with prawperty who marries a poor girl and is always suspicioning she took him for what he has.

"By dad, I'll be hanged!" he exclaimed, with nothing but curiosity on his wrinkled dried tobacco-leaf-looking face. He expressed no resentment on account of my behaviour to him. "Are ye to be married soon? Has he got any prawperty? Who is he? I suppose he's respectable. Ye're very young." "Yes; he is renowned for respectability, but I am not going to marry him till I am twenty-one.