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The male inhabitants of the kraal being seated on the ground, the learned doctor, got up like a grizzly bear, appears, and administers a dance of a most terrific nature, during the exhibition of which remedy he incessantly gnashes his teeth, and howls: 'I am the original physician to Nooker the Umtargartie. Yow yow yow! No connexion with any other establishment. Till till till!

Listen," said the tempter, pausing, "listen to the wretch who is raving near you, and whose blasphemies might make a demon start. He was once an eminent puritanical preacher. He foams, he writhes, he gnashes his teeth; you would imagine him in the hell he was painting, and that the fire and brimstone he is so lavish of were actually exhaling from his jaws.

"Why, we feel afraid of him.... He is not a man, he is a wolf, a regular wolf. He stalks and stalks about, saying never a word, and has such a wild look.... He all but gnashes his teeth. My Kátya is such a nervous girl, as thou knowest.... She took a great interest in him the first day.... I am afraid for her and for myself...." I did not know what reply to make to my aunt.

"I am sorry to hear it, for the count's complaint is periodical; it comes back every year, on the same day, at the same hour; his mouth runs over with foam, his eyes stand out white and staring, like great billiard-balls; he shakes from head to foot, and he gnashes with his teeth." "Perhaps this man has had serious troubles to go through?" "No, he has not.

This unceasing opposition to the will of its 'owner, on the part of his rational 'property, is to the slaveholder as the hot iron to the nerve. He raves under it, and storms, and gnashes, and smites; but the more he smites, the hotter it gets, and the more it burns him.

"But here is a needle and thread," says the little girl. "Hold your tongue," says the stepmother, and she gnashes her teeth, and they make a noise like clattering tongs. "Hold your tongue," she says. "Didn't I tell you you are to go to-day to your dear little aunt to ask for a needle and thread to mend a shirt?"

Have you never heard how he communicates with evil spirits, how he whispers to them, smiles and gnashes his teeth at them?" "It is true!" murmured Arnold. But Zbyszko, whose heart was filled with new waves of grief and anger, suddenly exclaimed: "And you, who speak of knightly honor? Shame upon you, because you help a hangman, a devilish man.

Next day my aunt ran into my room in a state of great excitement, declaring that she would leave the house with her niece, if Misha was to remain in it. 'Why so? 'Why, we are dreadfully scared with him.... He's not a man, he's a wolf, nothing better than a wolf. He keeps moving and moving about, and doesn't speak and looks so wild.... He almost gnashes his teeth at me.

Like some inexorable motion picture film that refuses to throw anything but one fatal scene on the screen, his recollections make the actors take their well-remembered positions and the play begins. For the thousandth time he gnashes his teeth as he sees the ball slip from his grasp. "Dog-gone it," he mutters, "if my boy doesn't do better in the big game than I did, I'll whale the hide off him!"

He would simply deny her charge, boldly pretend that his offer was merely made to test her, and would doubtless be readily believed so soon as it became only a question of rebutting a charge of lightly making love to her. Isabella, ashamed and confounded, recognises the madness of her first step, and gnashes her teeth in silent despair.