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"But almost every one must know Miss Gilder's face from her photographs in newspapers," I broke in, on a stifled sob of Biddy's. "She couldn't be mistaken for another girl, as an unimportant young person might." "I'm not sure. Those photographs were snapshots, and very bad, as you must know if you've ever seen any.

But perhaps there are a few primitive things which will never go out of fashion with women. Now that I had Miss Gilder's proud young face opposite mine, I saw that it wasn't quite so perfect as I'd fancied when she flashed by in her tall whiteness. Her nose, pure Greek in profile, seen in full was well, just neat American: a straight, determined little twentieth-century nose.

Life in hiding was purgatory. There wasn't anything I could let anybody do for me. Monny Gilder's different. You'll soon see why." I smiled indulgently. But, though I was to be introduced to Miss Gilder for the purpose of being eventually gilded by her, at the instant my thoughts were for my childhood's sweetheart.

After much studying, he had at last planned something that, while it would not directly touch Mary herself, would at least serve to intimidate her, and as well make further action easier against her. It was in pursuit of this scheme that he now came to Gilder's house, and the presence of the young man abruptly gave him another idea that might benefit him well.

"Seems reasonable," he admitted. But the father strode to his son. "No, no, Dick," he cried. "You shall not go! You shall not go!" Burke, however, shook his head in remonstrance against Gilder's plea. His huge voice came booming, weightily impressive. "Why not?" he questioned. "It's a fair gamble. And, besides, I like the boy's nerve." Dick seized on the admission eagerly.

There was a mighty enthusiasm in his voice as he continued: "I tell you, Dad, it's a fact that I did almost break the bank at Monte Carlo. I'd have done it sure, if only my money had held out." "It seems to me that I've heard something of the sort before," was Gilder's caustic comment. But his smile was still wholly sympathetic.

And so I should instantly have done, perhaps, if it hadn't been for Biddy's eyes seeming to come between mine and Miss Gilder's: and the fact that at the moment I was in quest of another treasure than a woman's heart. So I put off falling in love with Rosamond Gilder till I should have seen Anthony, and tidied up my distracted mind.

It occurred to me on starting, that the desire of so many unattached young men to spend a week in the desert and the Fayoum, might not be unconnected with Miss Gilder's intention to join the party. Not being jealous, I expected to see a little fun, and laugh over it with Biddy, who is a heavenly person with whom to share a joke. But if there is a joke, I haven't seen the point yet, nor has she.

And the mystery of our felucca's disappearance had to be discussed. Biddy saw to it that Monny couldn't edge in a word on the forbidden subject. How those two would talk later, in Miss Gilder's stateroom! Nobody could explain what had happened, not even the guardian.

There was the doubt that it might be Biddy, even though he appeared to attach some unexplained importance to Miss Gilder's continued ignorance about himself. The day after leaving Luxor, there was no time for the heart to heart talk I planned with Rachel Guest.