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Nae Auld Reekies for him, an' thank ye kindly. When he wants to gang to the gaol he'll steal a horse an' gang daicent! He'll no gang wi' his thoom in his mooth, an' when they say till him, 'What are ye here for? be obleeged to answer, 'Fegs, an' I dinna ken what for! Na, na, it wadna be mensefu' like ava'. A' the Gordons that ever was hae gaen to the gaol but only yince.

Bursting the door open, as though in fulfilment of his threat, Quentin sprang in, and looking hastily round, cried, as if in towering wrath, "Whaur are they? Whaur are thae pestiferous rebels?" "There's nae rebels here, gentlemen," said Mrs. Black. "Ye're welcome to seek." "They maun hae gaen up the next stair," said Quentin, turning to the officer.

Bawbie was juist gaen awa' to hae her efternune cup yesterday, an' I was chappin' oot the dottle o' my pipe on the corner o' the chumla, when it flaw oot an' gaed oot o' sicht some wey. I socht heich an' laich for't, but na, na; it wasna to be gotten. I thocht syne it had gane into the fire. But it's my opinion noo, it had fa'in' into Bawbie's teapot!

"Whaur did ye get that hunger'd-lookin' radger, Sandy?" says he. "That beast's no' fit for gaen aboot. The Cruelty to Animals 'ill nip you, as shure's you're a livin' man." "Tak' care 'at they dinna nip you, for haein' a wid leg," says Sandy, as raised as a wasp. "Awa' oot o' that, an' mind your ain bisness."

"It's like sae," answered the foreman, "since he is putting up wi' him." "And Peter Puncheon's dead?" "Ay, ay, Puncheon has leaked out at last, the auld carle," said the foreman; "mony a dribble o' brandy has gaen through him in his day. But as for the broche and the wild-fowl, the saddle's no aff your mare yet, maister, and I could follow and bring it back, for Mr.

"Leeby was saxteen month younger than Joey, an' mair quiet like. Leeby's been my savin' ever since she was fower year auld. Ay, but it was Joey 'at hung aboot me maist, an' he took notice 'at I wasna gaen out as I used to do. Since sune after my marriage I've needed the stick, but there was days 'at I could gang across the road an' sit on a stane.

I dinna ken hoo it is ava', I canna help mysel' sometimes. Man, the daftest-like ideas tak' a haud o' me whiles juist like a flesher grippin' a sheep by the horns an', do what I like, I canna get oot o' their grips. For instance, I was gaen up the brae juist the ither nicht, an' the kirk offisher was stanin' at the kirk door.

She gave John Paul one furtive glance and betook herself again to her knitting with a sigh, speech having failed her likewise. The captain grasped up his mug. "May God bless you, Jamie," he said. "Ye'll be gaen noo to see the mither," said Jamie, after a long space. "Ay, for the last time. An', Jamie, ye'll see that nae harm cams to her when I'm far awa'?"

Chairman," he said, in a voice which actually vibrated with emotion. "Different here! eh, boys?" drawled Bill. "You bet," said Hi, in huge delight. "The meetin' ain't out yit." "Ye can bide till mor-r-nin'," said Robbie, angrily. "A'm gaen hame," beginning to put on his coat. "Seems as if he orter give the password," drawled Bill.

Ay, but if she could juist get a promise wrung oot o' him, she didna care hoo muckle she had to prig. I mind when Jamie went to the fishin' Leeby was aye terrible keen to get wi' him, but ye see he wouldna be seen gaen through the toon wi' her. 'If ye let me gang, she said to him, 'I'll no seek to go through the toon wi' ye.