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"Yes," this had to be admitted, since the Tuan himself had noticed it, and, as has been recorded above, not without some comments of his own. "Then how can I bathe there at the same time?" continued Usoof, "I should be ashamed." "Well, if they are not you need not be," rather frivolously replied his master, as he sought escape from further conversation by burrowing in a box full of books.

If you are ambitious to scale the very highest height, you can easily mount the roof of the most frivolously named Tip-top House, and change your horizon a fraction. If you are gregarious and crave society, you can generally find it in multifarious developments. Hither come artists with sketch-books and greedy eyes.

"Those who say that no one can be happy throughout life speak likewise frivolously. Philosophy teaches the secret of securing that happiness, provided one is free from bodily sufferings. A felicity which would thus last throughout life could be compared to a nosegay formed of a thousand flowers so beautifully, so skillfully blended together, that it would look one single flower.

"I admire Miss Elizabeth Talbert very much indeed, but I never really thought of being seriously engaged to her." "Ah!" said I, icily. "And did you think of being frivolously engaged to her?" "I not only thought of it," said Goward, "but I was. It was at the Abercrombies', Mr. Price. Lily that is to say, Aunt Elizabeth " "Excuse me, Mr. Goward," I interrupted.

Upon the stage there is permitted almost any indecency of word, or innuendo, or gesture, or situation, provided only that the treatment be not serious. Almost anything is tolerable if it be frivolously dealt with, but so soon as these intensely serious matters are dealt with seriously, prudery protests.

"Do you mean to say that there were Yankees in those days?" inquired Mrs. Jasher frivolously. The Professor tucked his hands under his shabby coattails and strode up and down the room warming his rage, which was provoked by such ignorance. "Good heavens, madam, where have you lived?" he exclaimed explosively "are you a fool, or merely an ignorant woman?

Women, especially, are to be talked to as below men and above children. If you talk to them too deep, you only confound them, and lose your own labor; if you talk to them too frivolously, they perceive and resent the contempt. The proper tone for them is, what the French call the 'Entregent', and is, in truth, the polite jargon of good company.

"But after all," said Rachel dejectedly, "it would never be quite the same. We are 'Merry Hearts' because we wanted to be. The idea just fitted us." "And will look like a rented dress suit on any one else," added Madeline frivolously. "Of course I'm not a charter member of 19 , and perhaps I ought not to speak.

And the people I went with had the same characteristics, only intensified, as those I had known here. Of course I was actually no better than the women who were striving frivolously to get away from themselves, and the men who were fighting to get money. Only I didn't know it. "Well, my chance came at last.

The doctor's face was crimson, Elsie's kind eyes wide with horror. Sally called a final reflection from the first landing: "Too bad not to have him see me looking so beautiful!" she sang frivolously. "Operation h'm! An important operation I don't believe it!"