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Even the scanty allowance made by the Greek Government out of its newly-acquired wealth for fighting purposes was for the most part squandered almost as frivolously. That being the degradation to which the leaders of the Greek Revolution had sunk, it is not strange that its gains in previous years should have begun in 1824 to be followed by heavy losses.

You make me want to puke using such silly words frivolously to reflect nothing. You talk abstractions of heart and love like such a sophist." "Gabriele, dear stupid Gabriele of such wasted intelligence, were you really so smashed by that tank which your parents drove off in? Has life really been so flat ever since?

"No, I'm going to dance with Captain Carteret!" replied Fanny frivolously, "and so can you if you like!" She was maddeningly pretty as she smiled down at him, with her bright hair roughened, and the afterglow of the dance alight in her eyes and cheeks. Nevertheless, for one whirling moment, the old Adam, an Adam blissfully unaware of the existence of Eve, asserted himself in Rupert.

In the second place, freedom, in adding uncaused increments to life, ought to do so in continuation of the whole past, though it might do so frivolously: therefore it is a duty to be studious, consecutive, loyal; you may move in any direction but you must carry the whole past with you.

Of the labor movement and other new things they gossiped as frivolously as so many chattering starlings, who had snapped up the news on the wind. But Pelle went so confidently out into the world, and set his shoulders against it, and then came back home to them.

It may be said of her that, during these passages, she plucked her sensations by the way, detached, nervously, the small wild blossoms of her dim forest, so that she could smile over them at least with the spacious appearance, for her companions, for her husband above all, of bravely, of altogether frivolously, going a-maying.

But whatever the girl's motive, her conduct in the matter reacted on my lord; the fellow was in the way, very much so. How could he himself pay court to her when she frivolously, if only for the moment, preferred this commoner's company?

"Those who say that no one can be happy throughout life speak likewise frivolously. Philosophy teaches the secret of securing that happiness, provided one is free from bodily sufferings. A felicity which would thus last throughout life could be compared to a nosegay formed of a thousand flowers so beautifully, so skillfully blended together, that it would look one single flower.

Wouldn't you like to know what they're all saying?" "Oh, it's quite bad enough to see them," replied Colville frivolously. "I think a company of gentlemen with their hats off look very queer, don't you?" she asked, after another interval. "Well, really," said Colville, laughing, "I don't know that the spectacle ever suggested any metaphysical speculations to me.

"She wanted another chance. Few get it." "Very well, son, if you think you can afford to endow a home for the frivolously erring! And the chances are she'll turn on you and scratch." "Yes the chances favour that." "She won't understand it; that sort never understands decency in a man." "Do you think it might damage my reputation to be misunderstood?" sneered Malcourt.