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He had heard Friedrich, Messer and Jim Deming exclaim enthusiastically about these popular fêtes. They should not, it appeared, be missed if one wanted to see the real German nature let loose. "Well, if you're going to dance, I'll go," he promised. "You bet your life I'm going to dance!" Fritzi cried out in the Saxon dialect's equivalent as she sprang up, and wheeled off to wait on a new visitor.

Oh Fritzi," she added in despair, for he had picked up the hat and stick he had flung down on coming in and was evidently not going to take the least notice of her commands "oh Fritzi, you can't ask Tussie for money. It would kill him to know we were in difficulties." "Kill him, ma'am? Why should it kill him?" shouted Fritzing, exasperated by such a picture of softness.

Since Hella has been ill, that is really since, she went away, I spend most of my time with Fritzi Hubner. She's awfully nice, though I did not know it last year. Till Hella comes back she and I sit together. For it's horrid to sit alone on a bench Fritzi knows a good deal already. She would not talk about it at first because it so often leads to trouble. Her brother has told her everything.

Fritzi, I've only told you because I I feel so unprotected here and you must keep him off if he ever tries to come again. But you shall not fight. What, first he is to insult me and then hurt or kill my Fritzi? Besides, nobody ever fights duels in England." "That remains to be seen. I shall now go to his house and insult him steadily for half an hour.

His spirits were vastly lightened by the news that Arlee was out of the palace where the Captain was staying. Fritzi had optimistically informed him that the Turk's courtship could be made most lengthy, but that had been a sadly slender hope and the picture of Arlee playing such a fearful game was simply horrible to him.

When they found that time passed and he did neither, he became unpopular, and they went away and left him altogether and contemptuously alone. "Fritzi, are you worried about anything?" asked Priscilla, coming to where he still stood staring, although they had got to Dover. Worried! When all Europe was going to be about their ears?

I think we shall have a delightful afternoon." "Is Fritzi waiting too?" asked Elsa. "Of course he is, dear child as impatient as a hungry man listening for the dinner bell. Run along!" Elsa ran, and Frau Kellermann smiled at me significantly.

The music struck up again and off she was whisked without saying Aufwiedersehen. She next came up hanging on to the arms of two dancers. More introductions. All were getting sweaty and thirsty. Gard invited them to sit and he provided Schultheiss. Fritzi soon settled upon this spot as headquarters, twirling off into the figures and returning with different companions.

"Why, what in the world " began the amazed Priscilla, as soon as she was near enough. "Ma'am, I've been robbed," shouted Fritzing; and all Symford might have heard if it had happened to be listening. "Robbed?" repeated Priscilla. "What of?" "Of all my money, ma'am. Of all I had of all we had to live on." "Nonsense, Fritzi," said Priscilla; but she did turn a little paler.

"Shall I send Annalise to you, ma'am?" asked Fritzing, standing in the doorway. "What can we do?" asked Priscilla, her eyes fixed on the tips of her shoes in earnest thought. "Come in, Fritzi, and shut the door," she added. "You don't behave a bit like an uncle." Then an idea struck her, and looking up at him with sudden gaiety she said, "Can't we have a hyphen?" "A hyphen?"