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That can't be duller than Cologne, can it? I don't see that I would be losing any time by it either. I'll tell you what I'll do. If I decide to join you and I hope I shall you'll see me at the two o'clock. But if I don't well, Aufwiedersehen! let us hope and I am delighted to have met you." Gard was gratified when the sociable Wuerttemberger arrived at the station.

Dean were toasted, and Lillian Hale, a next-door neighbor and the only upper-class girl invited, gave solemn counsel and advice to the "freshman babies." As Marjorie's dearest friend, to Mary had been accorded the honor of giving the farewell toast, "Aufwiedersehen," and the presentation of the pin.

The promise of a speedy departure from my dusky room proved irresistible; he babbled out his Aufwiedersehen, and kissing his chubby hand, he was borne away joyful and chattering fast in his infantile half-language. I did not see Thekla again until late afternoon, when she brought me in my coffee.

The music struck up again and off she was whisked without saying Aufwiedersehen. She next came up hanging on to the arms of two dancers. More introductions. All were getting sweaty and thirsty. Gard invited them to sit and he provided Schultheiss. Fritzi soon settled upon this spot as headquarters, twirling off into the figures and returning with different companions.