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Is it any wonder that in a country where conversation is considered an art capable of cultivation and having certain fixt principles, so many French women of humble birth, like Sophie Arnould and Julie Lespinasse, have earned their way to fame by their conversational powers? Is it any wonder that in France polite discussion is made the most exhilarating and delightful exercise in the world?

The said Justice-depute, be the mouth of James Sterling, dempster of the Court, decernit and ordainit the said Robert Weir to be tane to ane skaffold to be fixt beside the Croce of Edinburgh, and there to be brokin upoune ane Row, quhill he be deid; and to ly thairat, during the space of xxiiij houris.

Twice only he undertook any foreign expeditions, one to Alexandria, and the other to Achaia; but he abandoned the prosecution of the former on the very day fixt for his departure, by being deterred both by ill omens, and the hazard of the voyage.

A mutuality of wants have formed the individuals of each country into a kind of national society, and here the progress of civilization has stopt. They are regulated by no fixt principle, governed by no compulsive law, and each does independently what it pleases, or what it can.

Why, her Father, old Francisco, was in his youth an English Cordwainer, that is to say, a Shoemaker, which he improv'd in time to a Merchant; and the Devil and his Knavery helping him to a considerable Estate, he set up for Gentleman; and being naturally a stingey, hide-bound Rascal, and in the Humour of Jealousy even out-doing the most rigid of us Spaniards, he came over into Spain, to settle with his whole Family, where his Wife dying, to heighten the Vice, marries this young Julia, your Mistress, Sir; and now this Daughter of his having wholly forgot her original Dunghill, sets up for a Viscountess at least, though her Father has design'd me the Blessing; but I have fixt my Heart and Eyes else-where, Clara, the young Sister of your Mistress, Sir, commands my Liberty.

This statement could be illustrated symbolically by comparing its truth to a fan, whose blades converge toward a central point where they remain fixt. Applying the precept to the picture, the old Shogun gives the design which we are faithfully copying.

I have now taught you to make two sorts of the Water of Paradise; and know, my Child, that the first way is the best; though it be made with some danger, longer time, and more charge; for the Vinegar is all good, yet the red Oil is the best; its time is alike unto the end, and though it be more tedious before you obtain the red Oil, yet it fixes it self in a short time, if it come to the Matter or fix'd Stone, into a simple Essence in greater redness; but when the Mercury comes to the fix'd stone, it holds on a long time in ascending and descending before it die, and when it is quite dead, it makes the red fix'd Stone again into a fixt colour, so covering the red stone with its coldness, that the red stone becomes white again, then must you boil it again gently with a small Fire, till it begin to be yellow, prosecuting the Fire from one degree to another, as the Colour is higher and stronger, and that so long till it attain to a perfect redness, which requires a long time before it be done, which is not requisite in the red Oil; for the red Oil dies or coagulates forthwith the stone, the one fixing it self with the other into a simple Essence, in a short time.

Even in like manner Tin is nourished by its Metallick Sulphur, which likewise feeds it with the greatest acceptation, it assumes in and to it more heat than Saturn, therefore is Jupiter more digested & broiled, whereby its Body likewise is more fixt and permanent in the degree of Salt. He causes in his Dominion and Reign, that good Rule be observed, and Justice done to all men in his Court.

Helena still kept her eyes fixt upon the letter, and cried out in an agony of grief, Till I have no wife, I have nothing in France. The countess asked her if she found those words in the letter? "Yes, madam," was all poor Helena could answer. The next morning Helena was missing.

And then again you behold vast groups of rocky ridges in the sea itself, with the coast of Calabria in the far distance, which only a fixt and attentive gaze can distinguish from the clouds which rise rapidly from it. We descended toward the theater, and tarried awhile among its ruins, on which an accomplished architect would do well to employ, at least on paper, his talent of restoration.