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Even in like manner Tin is nourished by its Metallick Sulphur, which likewise feeds it with the greatest acceptation, it assumes in and to it more heat than Saturn, therefore is Jupiter more digested & broiled, whereby its Body likewise is more fixt and permanent in the degree of Salt. He causes in his Dominion and Reign, that good Rule be observed, and Justice done to all men in his Court.

This Soul is compared unto water, and it is a right true water, but not so that it wets as other water doth, but it is a Celestial water, dry, found in a Metallick Liquorish substance; it is a Soulish water, which loves all Spirits, and unites them with their Bodies, conducting them to a compleat Life; therefore it is reasonably found out, and evidently proved, that Water is the Mocker of all Metals, which are heated by the warm aerial Fire, or Spirit of Sulphur, which by its digestion makes the Earthly Body lively, wherein the Salt is evidently found, which preserves from putrefaction so that nothing might be consumed by Corruption.

But properly Mars must be observed thus with its virtues, that in his Corporal form he only hath an earthly Body, which may be used in many things, for to stanch Bloud, externally in Wounds, to graduate Luna, internally to stop or bind the Body, which yet is not good at all times, and may be used both internally & externally in mans Body, as likewise in Metallick affairs; because without the true known means, which Nature hath in her secret Closet, much profit cannot be gotten per se.

They were laced however down the back, and at the seams of the sides, &c. in the mode of King William's reign; and to shorten all description, they shone so bright against the sun that morning, and had so metallick and doughty an air with them, that had my uncle Toby thought of attacking in armour, nothing could have so well imposed upon his imagination.

And though Saturn hath an especial ponderosity above other Metals, yet observe, when they are poured forth together, after their union in the Flux, the other Metals alwaies settle at the bottom, even as it likewise comes to pass in the pouring of Antimony through with other Metals, whereby it is evident, that the other Metals fall through equally, and are more compact than Saturn, for it must give place and preheminence to the other Metals, leaving the victory with them; for it must vanish and be quite consumed with the unfixt inconstant Metals; in it all the three properties of the three principles are most course; and because its Salt is very fluxible above that of other Metals and Planets, so is its Body more fluxible, inconstant, unfixt, and volatile, than any other Metallick Body.

But I tell you, that here in this place it availes not in the least, either Calcination, Sublimation, or Reverberation, whereby afterwards a perfect extraction can or might be done or effected with profit, to transmute the meaner into a better Metallick virtue; for it is impossible for you.

To this proximity of what may be termed burning sands, and to the sulphurous and metallick particles, which are continually exhaling from the bowels of the earth, is ascribed the different degree of blackness, by which some African nations are distinguishable from each other, though under the same parallels.

With these hopes I shall, in a short time, offer to sale magnets armed with a particular metallick composition, which concentrates their virtue, and determines their agency.

The Tincture consists only in the Spirit of Copper, and most of all in that of his Bed-fellow; it is a meer Vapour, stinking and ill-sented in its beginning; this Mist must be dissolved in the manner of a Liquor, that the stinking, incombustible Oil may be prepared thereof; but yet it must have and take its beginning out of Mars; this Oil unites freely with the Spirit of Mercury, assuming all Metallick Bodies speedily unto them, if they be first prepared in all points as I have advised in my Keys.

At present I do not indeed speak according to my own Poetical manner, nor after such a way as I directed my stile, when I treated of the wonderful generation of the seven Planets in my occult Philosophy, nor after a Magical or Cabalistical manner and custom; much less do I observe the method which teaches, and diligently marks the Mystical, Secret and Supernatural Arts, to wit, of Hydromancy, Æromancy, Geomancy, Pyromancy, Nigromancy, and the like: But my present purpose and intent is directed to reveal Natures Secrets, that all the Lovers of Art, and the Children which seek and desire wisdom, may by Gods Grace, Blessing, and Permission, easily understand, observe, mark, and likewise after diligent observation learn, & retain something that is beneficial; this concerns the generation of Metals in two parts, in the great and in the little World, as likewise what is the true Medicine contained in the inward part of those Metallick and Mineral Forms, which must be apprehended and made moveable by their dissection that their first beginning may be made notoriously visible in three distinct things; Then is Nature stript, and her secret parts discovered by laying off her temporal Cloathing, and all the secret Virtues, Powers, and, Operations revealed for Mans Health.