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She took a prominent part in the education of her two sons, the Duke of Calabria and the Prince of Salerno, and still more in that of her five daughters: Marie Therese, the wife of the Emperor Francis II.; Marie Louise, who married the Archduke Ferdinand, Grand Duke of Tuscany; Marie Christine, wife of Charles Felix, Duke of Genoa, later King of Sardinia; Marie Amelie, Duchess of Orleans, then Queen of France; Marie Antoinette, first wife of the Prince of Asturias, later Ferdinand VII., King of Spain.

Wars of Venice and Ferrara Invasion of Ferrara Lodovico Sforza and Alfonso of Calabria come to the help of Ercole d'Este Peace of Bagnolo Prosperity of Ferrara, and cultivation of art and learning at Ercole's court Guarino and Aldo Manuzio Strozzi and Boiardo Architecture and painting The frescoes of the Schifanoia Music and the drama Education of Isabella and Beatrice d'Este.

He recommended to the assembled wisdom before him the propriety of continuing several temporary acts then in force; congratulated them on the brilliant success of His Majesty's arms; alluded with pride to the conquest of the Cape of Good Hope; and touched upon the repeated victories obtained by Sir John Stuart in Calabria.

The duke of Calabria routs the Florentine army at Poggibonzi Dismay in Florence on account of the defeat Progress of the duke of Calabria The Florentines wish for peace Lorenzo de' Medici determines to go to Naples to treat with the king Lodovico Sforza, surnamed the Moor, and his brothers, recalled to Milan Changes in the government of that city in consequence The Genoese take Serezana Lorenzo de' Medici arrives at Naples Peace concluded with the king The pope and the Venetians consent to the peace The Florentines in fear of the duke of Calabria Enterprises of the Turks They take Otranto The Florentines reconciled with the pope Their ambassadors at the papal court The pope's reply to the ambassadors The king of Naples restores to the Florentines all the fortresses he had taken.

Then he told him that the land beyond sea was in such state that they weened it would be lost, and that the Christians would win it, so great a Crusade had gone forth against it from Germany, and from France, and from Lombardy, and Sicily, and Calabria, and Ireland, and England, which had won the city of Antioch, and now lay before Jerusalem.

And here, in Calabria, he lingers in children's fables, as "sdrago," a mockery of his former self. To follow up his wondrous metamorphoses through medievalism would be a pastime worthy of some leisured dilettante. How many noble shapes acquired a tinge of absurdity in the Middle Ages! Secondary dragons; for the good monks saw to it that no reminiscences of the autochthonous beast survived.

Thus Stephen, the founder of the Order of Grammont, was the son of a noble of Auvergne, who, in the course of a journey in Calabria, was so impressed by the life or the hermits with which the mountainous districts abounded, that he resolved to reproduce it, and lived for fifty years near Limoges, subjecting himself to such rigorous devotional exercises that his knees became quite hard and his nose permanently bent!

Still they were not so absolutely cast down as to prevent them from raising great sums of money, hiring troops, and sending to their friends for assistance; but all they could do was insufficient to restrain such a powerful enemy; so that they were obliged to offer the sovereignty to Charles duke of Calabria, son of King Robert, if they could induce him to come to their defense; for these princes, being accustomed to rule Florence, preferred her obedience to her friendship.

The saintly Francesco da Calabria, relics from Florence, from Rome, the Holy Oil from Rheims, turtles from Cape Verde Islands all were powerless; the arch dissembler must now face the ineluctable prince of the dark realms, who was not to be bribed or cajoled even by kings. When at last Louis took to his bed, his physician, Jacques Cottier, told him that most surely his hour was come.

The youngest, however, objected to the satirical style in which I had depicted her country, and declared war against me; but I contrived to obtain peace again by telling her that Calabria would be a delightful country if one-fourth only of its inhabitants were like her.

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