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"Now mind," she added as the bit of tin was dropped into the top drawer of the kitchen bureau, "you're not to buy another one, either." Mothers were peculiarly unsympathetic about premature pranks; take Fourth of July, no matter how many firecrackers a fellow owned, he had to sneak off to the big lot to light them if he wanted to celebrate on even the day before.

"Every time that one of us opens his mouth," laughed Mr. Prenter, "I am expecting to hear a big bang down by the breakwater to punctuate the speaker's sentence. I wonder whether the scoundrels back of Sambo have any more novel ways for setting off their big firecrackers around our wall?" "It might not be a bad idea for me to get out on the watch again," Tom suggested, rising.

This allusion to the firecrackers would have determined that Curly had come from the South, which alone has a midwinter Fourth of July, possibly because the populace is not content with only one annual smell of gunpowder. "We had trees where I came from," said I. "And eat! Yes, man!"

"All pupils' baggage is examined, Rover, to see that nothing improper is introduced into the Hall." "Want to see if I've got any more firecrackers?" "We do not allow dime novels, or, eatables, or other things that might harm our pupils." "Eating never harmed me, sir." "Sometimes parents load up their boys with delicacies which are decidedly harmful. Come, the keys."

Lucia, my granddaughter, will go with you to the nearest town." "What! You're going away?" the little boy asked him. "Down there are soldiers and many robbers. Don't you want to see my firecrackers? Boom, boom, boom!" "Don't you want to play hide-and-seek?" asked the little girl. "Have you ever played it? Surely there's nothing any more fun than to be chased and hide yourself?"

It did suit all the young folks, and they immediately planned a fine automobile tour for the afternoon, hiring two autos large enough to accommodate all of the girls and boys. The morning was spent in and around the yacht, where Tom and some of the others amused themselves by shooting off their pistols and some firecrackers.

Sasa stamped on the deck with her little foot and cried out: "Be quiet, you silly baker!" But the silly baker only roused himself to a renewed ferocity, and, instead of calming down, went off again like twenty-five bunches of firecrackers under a barrel and large firecrackers, too.

She only just waked up when she heard the firecrackers! Did you hear them, Carter?" "Did I hear them! I did that not being deef. Faith, I thought it was the last trump! You're a caution, Miss Midget!" But even as Carter spoke he began to realize that the situation was more serious than a mere childish scrape.

As it chanced, this movement left the other string of firecrackers fairly in the lap of Cocoanut. The boys were still discussing the situation. "It's too bad; it's too bad," said Billy. "What'll we do?" "I don't know," said Cocoanut. "Do you think we dare let 'em off even if the flag didn't fly?" said Billy. "I don't know," said Cocoanut.

He was not only exceedingly fond of the water, as was to be expected, but passionately devoted to gunpowder in every form, for he loved firearms and fairly reveled in the Fourth of July celebrations the latter being rather hazardous occasions, as the children strongly objected to any "safe and sane" element being injected into them, and had the normal number of close shaves with rockets, Roman candles, and firecrackers.