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His hands, which were of a rough, coarse grain, were very dirty; his fingernails were crooked, long, and yellow. There was ample time to note these particulars, for besides that they were sufficiently obvious without very close observation, some moments elapsed before any one broke silence.

Against a dark blue night-sky the cross seemed to bow down, almost to touch the ground with its tip, while two figures, one on each side, kept watch over the Christ. One was the Virgin, wearing a hood the colour of mucous blood over a robe of wan blue. Her face was pale and swollen with weeping, and she stood rigid, as one who buries his fingernails deep into his palms and sobs.

I'll get some ragged clothes, let my beard grow again you see I shaved it off since my last visit and I'll go around to the Foger place and ask for work. Then I can get inside the shed and look around. How's that for a plan?" "It might be all right," agreed Tom, "only I don't believe you're cut out for the part of a tramp, Mr. Damon." "Bless my fingernails! Why not?"

The blazing folds of a cerise satin gown held in her hands made a great, crude patch of colour in the neutral-tinted bedroom. The air was heavy with scent. Hair, teeth, eyes, fingernails Two-eighteen glowed and glistened. Chairs and bed held odds and ends. "Where've you been, girl?" shrilled Two-eighteen. "I've been waiting like a fool! I told you to be here in fifteen minutes."

Every week he trimmed his fingernails; every day or so, with a flush and a hangdog look, he drenched himself with perfume. Even while wearing that garment at thought of which Madonna Gemma, isolate in her chamber, still shivered and moaned Cercamorte resembled one who prepares himself for a wedding, or gallant rendezvous, that may take place any moment.

I coaxed him to proceed in English, in Spanish and Italian, and then in a pale blue language of my own, but he just stood there and bit his lips. I believe if he had possessed fingernails he would have bitten them too. I gave the reins to my wife with instructions how to act if the horse started, and I jumped out to argue with him.

Now they were dazed and forgetting: slow blood began to creep again to their toes and to come again to its place under fingernails: it came with intense pain: they forgot their spirits. Then all the woes of Earth crowded their minds at once, so that they wished to weep, as infants weep. The Professor gave this mood time to change, as change it presently did.

I coated the towel with a substance which would cause discomfort and alarm itching salve not with the idea that anyone would be foolish enough to go about scratching before my eyes, but with the idea of making that person believe that such was my purpose and with the idea of driving him or her to washing his hands at once and, more, with the idea of forcing him or scaring him into cleaning his fingernails.

Observe the human body, its limbs, its members, the eye, the ear, the organs of smell, of taste, the hands, the fingernails. Notwithstanding the differences among all these parts, each one within the limitations of its own being participateth in a coherent whole. If one of them faileth it must be healed, and should no remedy avail, that part must be removed.

What a place for a woman!" The ship was jerking, you might almost call it gasping, as the seas struck her; it was no easy job to climb along that roof-slope of the deck with nothing to hold on by. I got across somehow, partly by luck, partly by fingernails. I even managed to open the pantry door, which was another difficulty, as it opened inwards, into the cabin.