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And then, by way of rounding out the subject: "Here's hopin' his nerve is as good as his clothes. I don't love a Mongolian any better'n you do, Bat, but the way he hustled to save that little brown man's skin sort o' got next to me; it sure did. Says I, 'A man that'll do that won't go round hunting a chance to kick a fice-dog just because the fice don't happen to be a blooded bull-terrier."

Do you remember that night the Minneola fellows came up with their ox team and their band of killers to take the county records " and there was more of it the old story of the town's wild days that need not be recorded, and in the end, in answer to some query from the general on John's courage, Watts replied, "John was always a bold little fice he never lacked brass."

"I am quite sure, sir, he put it to them very hagreeably and politely, but the young lady gave 'im the 'aughtiest look I've ever seen on mortal fice, sir, and he came back to me so 'umble that I could 'ardly believe he was an 'ead waiter." "I hope he was not unnecessarily persistent," said the Prince, annoyed. "It really is of no consequence where we sit."

"But vere's a chap 'ere wot sore 'er fice to fice in the next street; an' followed 'er and 'eard the door go; an' w'en 'e come back wiv 'is pals, vere was vat light." "Let's 'ave 'er aht of it." "Yuss, she ain't no right there." "No; the condemned cell's the plice for 'er!" "Give us a stone afore the copper comes!"

He was thinking sadly of the long-lost days of his youth, and wishing he had been a better man. Liza had no respect for such holy emotions, and she brought down her fist on the crown of his hat, and bashed it over his eyes. 'Na then, old jellybelly, she said, 'wot's the good of 'avin' a fice as long as a kite? He turned round and smote her. 'Jellybelly yerself! said he.

''Ere, why don't you speak when you're spoke to, you lop-eared lager-beer barrel, you. Take your fice out o' that 'orse-flesh cat's-meat sossidge an' speak up, you baby-butcherin' hen-roost robber. 'That ain't no good, Smithy, Private Robinson pointed out. 'Y'see, callin' 'im 'ard names only makes 'im think 'e's got you angry like that 'e's drawed you.

"Oh, would he?" cried Rosemary, a bright colour flaming on her little soft cheeks. "Yes; and what's more," went on her hostess, warming to the subject, "you'd know 'im, the hinstant you clapped heyes on his fice, by 'eaven-sent hinstinct." "What's 'eaven-sent-hinstinct?" demanded Rosemary. "The feelin' you 'ave in your 'eart for a father, wot's planted there by Providence," explained Jane.

An' when the Crittenden yooth returns, he brings with him the Rickett boys an' forty added dogs. Which it's worth a ten-mile ride to get a glimpse of that outfit of canines! Thar's every sort onder the canopy: thar's the stolid hound, the alert fice, the sapient collie; that is thar's individyool beasts wherein the hound, or fice, or collie seems to preedominate as a strain.

It is a matter of utter indifference to the ex-slaveholders what this calumnious little fice says about them, if he will but refrain from voiding his fetid rheum upon their families. Doubtless some slaveholders were degraded sensualists, but such were exceptions to the rule. Not one yaller nigger in a hundred is the child of its mother's old master.

Who could not see through Douglas' thin scheme to attach his fortunes to the chariot of the great but misguided Jackson? Why had Douglas leaped to the defense of Jackson in this community, like a fice coming to the aid of a mastiff? Why, if not to get a bone for his own hungry stomach?