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Redmond had by this time completed his gruesome task. "There's lots of these blocks lying around Gully's," he remarked, "I've seen 'em. Place's got a stone foundation. Look at the notches he's chipped in this one to keep the wire from slipping!" "Eyah!" said Slavin, with grimly-unconscious humour, "Exhibit B. We must hang on to ut, heavy as it us an' th' wire, tu!

"Look here, all of you! . . . This man's been shot through the head, too!" He indicated the small, circular orifice in the occiput, and its egress below the left eye. "Only an exceedingly powerful, high-pressure weapon could have done that," he continued significantly, "both holes are alike bullet hasn't 'mushroomed' at all." "Eyah!" Slavin agreed wearily. "We know fwhat kind av a gun did ut.

"Can you place him, Sergeant?" queried Yorke. "Eyah! Onless I am vastly mishtuk. Whoa, now! shtand still, ye fules! Fwhat yez a-scared av? Here, Yorkey! hold T an' B a minnut!" He pushed over his lines to the latter and, producing a pair of leather-cased brand-inspector's clippers, he cropped bare a circular patch on the defunct horse's nigh shoulder.

"I took good care to laugh heartily too. After which I made signs the counterpart of his. He looked anxious. I put my hand in my pocket, and drew out my gloves. He stared. I put them on, and nodded, to show that that was the way we barbarians did it. "'Eyah! cried the silk-robed old gentleman. "'Eyah! echoed the horse-boys and the crowd.

The Ayyal Yunis, the principal clan, contains four septs viz.: Jibril Yunis. 3. Ali Yunis. 2. Nur Yunis. 4. Adan Yunis. The other chief clans are Mikahil Dera. 7. Basannah. 2. Rer Ugaz. 8. Bahabr Hasan. 3. Jibrain. 9. Abdillah Mikahil. 4. Rer Mohammed Asa. 10. Hasan Mikahil. 5. Musa Fin. 11. Eyah Mikahil 6. Rer Abokr. 12. Hasan Waraba.

He had put on those spectacles time and again that day to study the instructions, without making out a word; Eleseus had to help him with that. Eyah, Herregud, 'twas a good thing, no doubt, to be book-learned. And, by way of humbling himself, Isak determines to give up his plan of making Eleseus a tiller of soil in the wilds; he will never say a word of it again.

Early on the morrow it came to pass that Sergeant Slavin, cooking breakfast for all hands, heard Yorke's voice uplifted in song, as that worthy made his leisurely toilet. He shot a slightly bilious glance at Redmond, who, "Morning Stables" finished, lounged nearby. "Hear um?" he snorted enviously. "Singin'! singin'! forever singin'! eyah! sich nonsince, tu."

'So he wint menowderin', and minanderin', an' blandandherin' roun' an' about the Colonel's daughter, an' she, poor innocint, lookin' at him like a Comm'ssariat bullock looks at the Comp'ny cook. He'd a dhirty little scrub av a black moustache, an' he twisted an' turned ivry wurrd he used as av he found ut too sweet for to spit out. Eyah! He was a tricky man an' a liar by natur'. Some are born so.

'The worrst night that iver I remimber. Eyah! Is all Hell loose this tide? said Mulvaney. A puff of burning wind lashed through the wicket-gate like a wave of the sea, and Ortheris swore. 'Are ye more heasy, Jock? he said to Learoyd. 'Put yer 'ead between your legs. It'll go orf in a minute. 'Ah don't care. Ah would not care, but ma heart is plaayin' tivvy-tivvy on ma ribs. Let me die!

"Hould on, bhoy!" he said, with all an old policeman's fussiness over rightful procedure. "Du not touch! That is th' coroner's bizness. Did they not dhrill that inta yeh at Regina?" He stared thoughtfully at the corpse. "Dhrink an' th' divil! eyah! dhrink an' th' divil!" sadly.