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The upper portion was thickly clad with acacia and other thorns, and upon the summit, the Somali pine tree observed by me near Harar, and by Lieutenant Herne at Gulays, first appeared. Rain had freshly fallen. The animal creation was represented by the leopard, hyena, rhinoceros, Waraba, four kinds of antelopes, hares and rats, tailless and long-tailed.

Thus muto, small bird; kudulug, dove; geinow, pigeon; kakur, egg; burda, grass; waraba, coconut; moda, enclosure round the huts. At one place I saw indications of an upheaval of the northern side of the island in a bed of coral conglomerate six feet thick, with its raised wall-like edge towards the hill as if tilted up, and the remainder sloping down towards the sea.

The little "king-crow" of India is common: its bright red eye and purplish plume render it a conspicuous object as it perches upon the tall camel's back or clings to waving plants. The Waraba or Durwa is, according to Mr. Mr. Gordon Cumming supposes it to form the connecting link between the wolf and the hyaena.

The Ayyal Yunis, the principal clan, contains four septs viz.: Jibril Yunis. 3. Ali Yunis. 2. Nur Yunis. 4. Adan Yunis. The other chief clans are Mikahil Dera. 7. Basannah. 2. Rer Ugaz. 8. Bahabr Hasan. 3. Jibrain. 9. Abdillah Mikahil. 4. Rer Mohammed Asa. 10. Hasan Mikahil. 5. Musa Fin. 11. Eyah Mikahil 6. Rer Abokr. 12. Hasan Waraba.

Upon the whole he will prefer the Moslem's tradition from the air of truth pervading it, and the various improbabilities which appear in the more detailed story of the Christians. Formerly the Waraba, creeping through the holes in the wall, rendered the streets dangerous at night.

The Somal declare the Waraba to be a hermaphrodite; so the ancients supposed the hyaena to be of both sexes, an error arising from the peculiar appearance of an orifice situated near two glands which secrete an unctuous fluid.

The animals observed were, the Waraba, a dark-coloured cynhyena, with a tail partly white, a grey jackal, and three different kinds of antelopes. Besides gulls, butcher birds, and a description of sparrow, no birds were found on the Maritime Plain. In the portion visited by Lieutenant Speke it is composed principally of limestones, some white, others brownish, and full of fossil shells.

In this country the jackal attends not upon the lion, but the Waraba. His morning cry is taken as an omen of good or evil according to the note. Of this bird, a red and long-legged plover, the Somal tell the following legend.