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The soutar closed the door and returned to his work, saying aloud as he went, "Lord, lat me ever and aye see thy face, and noucht mair will I desire excep that the haill warl, O Lord, may behold it likewise. The prayers o' the soutar are endit!" Peter Blatherwick went home joyous at heart.

Ye see, gien a thing disna come o' 'tsel, no cryin upo' 't 'll gar 't lift its heid sae lang, at least, as the man kens naething aboot it!" "I dinna doobt ye're right, Peter," answered his wife; "I ken weel that flytin 'ill never gar love spread oot his wings excep' it be to flee awa'! Naething but shuin can come o' flytin!" "It micht be even waur nor shuin!" rejoined Peter."

He wouldn't say much, but he kep' on boastin' dat he knew where Morillo could be found any time excep' when he was at sea. So I made him drunk wid my rum, Mistah Courtenay, and den brought him aboard here instead ob puttin' him aboard his own footy little felucca in Kingston harbour." "I see. And where is the fellow now, Peter?" inquired I. "Where is he now, sah?" repeated Peter.

We see her now an' then on the street trim an' elderly an' no airs excep' she wouldn't open up a conversation an' she wouldn't return her calls. 'Most everybody called on her inside the two weeks, but the woman was never home an' she never paid any attention. She didn't seem to have no men folks, an' she settled her bills with checks, like she didn't have any ready money.

She gently felt the pressure tightening, and Waite whispered in her ear: "I guess I'd stand by him as well as anybody, excep' you, Mis' Ford. He's been my bes' friend. But I guess you like him better, eh?" Catherine raised her finger. She could hear Henderson's voice within; it was pitiably querulous.

I don't care who he was or what he was worth he was lit up, too. I donno why he was a clerk nor anything of him excep' that the lit kind ain't always the money-makers but he could talk to her her way.

I don't care much about tea excep' for lunch, and she don't have a collation I presume she can't; too many people'd come, and I guess she has about enough. Now, those ladies that don't look exactly as if they was ladies," indicating the large birds of tawdry plumage and striking complexions, "they don't live here. Washington ladies don't dress like that.

This settled, Transley proceeded to interest Y.D. in the work in which he was now engaged. He drew a picture of activities in the little metropolis such as stirred the rancher's incredulity. "Well, well," Y.D. would say. "Transley, I've known that little hole for about thirty years, an' never seen it was any good excep' to get drunk in.... I've seen more things there than is down in the books."

Well, we got to New York that evenin' and I wuz glad to think that everybody wuz well there, or so as to git about, for they wuz all there at the deepo, excep' them that wuz in the street, but we got safe through the noise and confusion to a big, high tarven, with prices as high as its ruff and flagpole.

Always before I meet my leetle girl I shav'. But when I say good-bye and go to war by gollies! de army make me for do it every day. My officier, he say, "What for you no shav' dis morning?" "Sair," I say, "I no kees de Boche I keel him." He say noding to dat excep', "Look at you. I shav' every day. Do you preten' I doan' fight?" "Well," I say, "if de cap feets you, smoke it."