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"I'm sure Mr. Erwin would rather walk," she replied. "Come, Peter, you must tell me all the news of home." Spence accepted his dismissal with a fairly good grace, and gave no evidence of jealousy. He put his hand on Peter's shoulder. "If you're ever in New York, Erwin," said he, "look me up Dallam and Spence. We're members of the Exchange, so you won't have any trouble in finding us.

Further to the right both Brodno and Erwin, still fussing round their respective planes, were interrupted by no less a personage than the Belgian Queen, accompanied by Baroness Suvahl and her sister, Miss Daskam, who had come round to them on their night round of visiting encouragement which they were making among their acquaintances that night.

"The chap who went out just now is Stanley. He is my observer. But our machine is smashed now and how we will all get back is more than I know. Eh, Orry?" "Looks that way. But what's the use of worrying while we are in such charming company? I'm all right." And to prove it Erwin stepped out on the floor, a little teetery perhaps, but once more himself. He made a not ungraceful bow.

Walking with Sergeant Anson towards the door, the general turned, saying over his shoulder: "It wouldn't surprise me a little bit if the heads of the American Corps at Washington did not send you two something in the near future. If they do, try and live up to it. Good-bye!" He was gone. Monsieur Cheval had also followed, more slowly. Blaine and Erwin looked at each other meaningfully.

The case was at once appealed to the State Supreme Court, which on July 13 sustained the decision. Chief Justice Erwin wrote the opinion and Justices Spencer, Harvey and Myers concurred. Justice M. B. Lairy filed a dissenting opinion. There was a wide difference of opinion among the lawyers of the State.

The child looked at him, and suddenly smiled through his tears. The father appeared, a red-headed Irishman. "Thank you, Mr. Erwin; I'm sure it's very kind of you, sir, to bother with him," he said gratefully. "It's that thin he is with the heat, I take him out for a bit of country air." "Why, Tim, it's you, is it?" said Peter.

Councilmen 1st Ward David Clark Doan, Henry Everett, John Gill. 2d Ward John Erwin, Charles Hickox, Henry B. Payne. 3d Ward Alexander Seymour, Alexander S. Cramer, Orville Gurley. Mayor Lorenzo A. Kelsey. President of the Council Flavel W. Bingham. Aldermen Flavel W. Bingham, William Case, Alexander Seymour.

You are an American; I see that by your beauty. You are Mrs. Erwin's niece, I suppose, whom she expected. Will you come and sing to me? You must bring her, Mrs. Erwin." She hobbled away without waiting for an answer, and Lydia and her aunt got into their gondola. "Oh! How glad I am!" cried Mrs. Erwin, in a joyful flutter.

"Well, you were plucky enough, anyhow, interposed Erwin and Blaine nodded. "Up to that time, after the chateau had been bombarded by our Allies in their final advance towards Paschiendale after Vimy ridge, it had rested unharmed further." "But you can never count on what Fritz will do, or when he'll begin," remarked Blaine.

At her toilette she had the exaltation and fury of a champion arming for battle. Mr. Erwin entered about the completion of her preparations, and without turning round from her glass she said, "I want you to think of the worst thing you can, Henshaw. I don't see how I'm ever to lift up my head again."