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"Christian with desire fell sick," we read, "and Hopeful also had a fit or two of the same disease. Wherefore here they lay by it a while, crying out because of their pangs, If you see my beloved, tell him that I am sick of love." David, Paul, Bernard, Bunyan himself, Rutherford, Brainerd, M'Cheyne, and many others crowd in upon the mind. I shall but instance John Flavel and Mrs.

Councilmen 1st Ward David Clark Doan, Henry Everett, John Gill. 2d Ward John Erwin, Charles Hickox, Henry B. Payne. 3d Ward Alexander Seymour, Alexander S. Cramer, Orville Gurley. Mayor Lorenzo A. Kelsey. President of the Council Flavel W. Bingham. Aldermen Flavel W. Bingham, William Case, Alexander Seymour.

Flavel in gown and bands which hung over the fireplace, straightened her gown upon her knees, and pushed it forward over her feet so as to cover them altogether a mute protest against the impropriety of the scene she had partly described. Mr.

Broad's importance with the missionary students, because they saw how great were the weight and fatigue of the pastoral office. A flock like that which was shepherded by Mr. Broad required some management. Mrs. Broad took the women, and Mr. Broad the men; but Mrs. Broad was not a very able tactician. She was a Flavel by birth, and came from a distant part of the country.

First Services Drake's Chaplain Flavel Scott Mines Bishop Kip Growth of the Church in California The General Convention in San Francisco A Western Sermon Personnel of the Convention Distinguished Names Subjects Debated Missions of the Church Apportionment Plan The Woman's Auxiliary The United Offering Missionary Meeting in Mechanics' Pavilion College Reunions Zealous Men A Dramatic Scene Closing Service Object Lesson A Revelation to California Examples of the Church's Training Mrs.

"When I saw Him," says John, "I fell at His feet as dead." Flavel, on more than one occasion, asked that the excessive revelation might be stayed. Our Lord, therefore, feared that in their weakened state, torn by anxiety and sorrow, His followers would collapse if further strain were imposed upon their powers of spiritual apprehension. Their minds could not bear more.

Her father was a Dissenting minister; but he was Dr. Flavel, with a great chapel in a great town. Consequently she gave herself airs, and occasionally let fall, to the great displeasure of the Cowfold ladies, words which implied some disparagement of Cowfold. She was a shortish, stout, upright little woman, who used a large fan and spoke with an accent strange to the Midlands.

There was the further restraining fact that leading citizens of Hartford were held as hostages, their lives in peril, in James J. Goodwin's palatial home, among these being ex-Governor Morgan G. Buckley, Mayor Joseph H. Lawler, Bishop Chauncey B. Brewster, Dr. Flavel S. Luther, Bishop John J. Nilan, Mrs. Richard M. Bissell, Mrs. Thomas N. Hepburn, the Rev.

"Sir, the great and pious work which you have gone through with such unwearied and steady zeal, for the honour and worship of Almighty God, we have also finally perfected on our part; and our ratification of that act for erecting churches, &c. together with duplicates of all other dispatches, we have forwarded to you by Captain Flavel."

The gallery that was formerly here has been removed. In the chancel is an inscription to the memory of Thomas Flavel, vicar, who died in 1682, being well known locally as a ghost-layer. Such duties were at one time a recognised part of a clergyman's vocation. The epitaph of this reverend exorcist is quaint enough to bear quotation: