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"Tom Braddock and 'is wife lived in Baltimore in the winter time, where she kept little Christine in school from November to March. The rest of the year she teaches 'er 'erself. I might say that Christine is a specially well-edicated child and well brought up. You can see that for yourself.

Wouldn't try a yard! An' she 'ad the 'ole o' the young entry like 'erself.

"Sir, she called for on my solemn oath it's true though I don't ax ye to believe me, mind, she sat in that theer identical chair, an' mark me, 'er a Duchess, she sat in that cheer, a-fannin' 'erself with 'er little fan, an' calls for a 'arf of Kentish ale 'Westerham brew, says she; an' 'er a Duchess! In a tankard!

"Well, that's what she calls 'erself," he observed. "Palmist and Clairvoyante; and a smart bit o' goods she is too." "But I thought the police had stopped that sort of thing," I said. The landlord shook his head. "The police don't interfere with her. She don't advertise or anything like that, and I reckon she has some pretty useful friends.

She was there a long time making funny noises, and at last Joe walked toward the door on tip-toe and peeped through the crack and saw 'er in a sort o' fit, sitting in a chair with 'er arms folded acrost her bodice and rocking 'erself up and down and moaning.

"Our 'orses are 'arnessed as they had orter be, Miss Gibson, and as the Queen 'erself rides them in the hold country. 'Hi'm doing my best to teach you young ladies proper, and I can't 'old with some of these loose Hamerican 'abits. They wouldn't be 'eld with for a minute in the Row." "Oh, a fig for your old Row, Dawson!

"She flung 'erself down in the chair agin with 'er back to me, and for nearly three-quarters of an hour we sat there without a word. Then, to our joy, we 'eard footsteps turn in at the gate. Quick footsteps they was. Somebody turned the handle of the door, and then a face looked in at the window that made me nearly jump out of my boots in surprise.

The child opened her eyes very wide at this new point of view. "I couldn't have a mother who looked any other way," she said. "What do you think she does look like?" "Silly puss! I only mean she isn't much more'n a kid, 'erself." "She's twenty five, twenty whole years more than me. Isn't that old?" "Lawkes, no. I'm goin' on seventeen myself.

"I ken put up with always bein' like er specimei iv er Indian famine," he said, confiding in Mahdi the Missing Link, through the bars of the latter cage, "knowing the missus and the kids has plenty. You noticed 'ow fat Jane was when she brought the fam'ly t' see the show the other day? Well, I give you my word, the wife was thin enough t' take on this billet 'erself when the Perfesser engaged me."

He saw that it had given them pleasure that he shared their meal, and they saw that he had thoroughly enjoyed it. "Well, good-bye, sir," said 'Erb, "and I 'ope we shall 'ave as nice a doctor next time the missus disgraces 'erself." "Go on with you, 'Erb," she retorted. "'Ow d'you know there's going to be a next time?" The three weeks which the appointment lasted drew to an end.