Vietnam or Thailand ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Men and women hailed me from the banks as I glided along in my canoe, with, "Say, captain, hab you eny 'bacca or snuff for dis chile?" Poor humanity! The Cracker and the freedman fill alike their places according to the light they possess. Do we, who have been taught from our youth sacred things, do more than this? Do we love our neighbor as ourself?

It will save her a lot of worry," said Davy, and he hastened back to the house. Presently he rejoined his companion, who was watching a party of horsemen coming down the lane back of the stables. "Looks like a retreat," was Landy's comment. "I don't see eny scalps a-hangin' on their spears." "How big is this Bar-O affair, how many acres?" questioned the little man.

He was soon able so to shift his position as to satisfy himself on this point, and also to note that Perkins, from his movements, would be one of the guard. By the gleams of the lantern Chunk also saw that Scoville appeared to be watching the overseer as if suspecting treachery. "I watch 'im too," the negro soliloquized. "Ef he play eny debil trick he hissef gwine ter de debil sud'n."

"When your partner gets out here, I suppose," sneered Lacy. "He'll be here." "Oh, will he? Well, he's a hell of a while coming. You wired him a month ago, and yer've written him twice since. Oh, I've got the cases on you, all right, Westcott. I know you haven't got a cent left to go on with, and nowhere to get eny except through him." He laughed. "Ain't that right?

And Tharon, standing in the twilight like a slim white ghost, was staring over their heads, her lips ashen, the scrawled letter trembling in her hands. For this is what she read, straining her young eyes in the fading light. "Tharon. You must know by now that I mean bisness. All this Vigilant bisness ain't a-goin' to help things eny.

In going down the Guainia, or Rio Negro, you pass on the right the Cano Maliapo, and on the left the Canos Dariba and Eny. At five leagues distance, nearly in 1 degree 38 minutes of north latitude, is the island of San Josef.

By this time he was fifteen yards behind and losing at every step. He had wasted too much breath on oratory. We picked him up in the car and set him alongside of Ole again. "See here, Ole, I'm tired of this," he said, sprinting up by him again. "The game's waiting. Come on back. You're making a fool of yourself." "Eny teng Aye du Aye ban beeg fule," said Ole gloomily.

If he was a livin' now he would be 110 years old, he bin ded 'round fifteen year." No I'se done believe in no ghosts hants or anything of that kind my white folks being "quality". I'se been raised by "quality"! Why I'se "quality nigger". "Wen any of my folks git sick or eny of my white folks de doctor would always bee sent foh."

"Sure," says Bat, "nothing easier." "Wull thur be eny chaarge?" "Not for ladies," says Bat, saluting, hand to hat, and grinning more sleepily than ever. "Then, A wull guve it t' y': wull y' write it, sor?" "Sure!" Bat squared himself to one of the reporters' high desks. "Mestriss Leez-y O'Fannigan," dictated the little publicity agent.

I'd help eny feller, 'bout sech a job es this ere, jess fer the fun on't. Risky! Yes it's risky; that's the fun. I hain't hed my blood fairly flowin afore, sence the war. It doos me more good nor a box o' pills. Jerewsalem, how riled deacon'll be!"