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And that very moving sentence about the elder son, "And he was angry, and would not go in: therefore came his father out and entreated him," becomes in the French Bible, "Mais il se mit en colère, et ne voulut point entrer; et son père étant sorti, le priait d'entrer." No especial nicety of ear is necessary to notice that the first is greatly written, and the second is not.

Quand on quitte les montagnes d'Arménie pour entrer dans le pays du karman, on en trouve d'autres qu'il faut traverser encore. Sur l'une de celles-ci est une gorge avec un château nommé Lève, l'on paie au karman un droit de passage. Ce péage étoit affermé

Then, looking aside, I hear the little slotting noise which tells me they are opening the lemon gardens, a long panel here and there, a long slot of darkness at irregular intervals between the brown wood and the glass stripes. 'Voulez-vous' the Signore bows me in with outstretched hand 'voulez-vous entrer, monsieur? I went into the lemon-house, where the poor threes seem to mope in the darkness.

And that very moving sentence about the elder son, "And he was angry, and would not go in: therefore came his father out and entreated him," becomes in the French Bible, "Mais il se mit en colère, et ne voulut point entrer; et son père étant sorti, le priait d'entrer." No especial nicety of ear is necessary to notice that the first is greatly written, and the second is not.

Which I did, and by and by did go down by water to Deptford, and then down further, and so landed at the lower end of the town, and it being dark 'entrer en la maison de la femme de Bagwell', and there had 'sa compagnie', though with a great deal of difficulty, 'neanmoins en fin j'avais ma volont d'elle', and being sated therewith, I walked home to Redriffe, it being now near nine o'clock, and there I did drink some strong waters and eat some bread and cheese, and so home.

Le seigneur attendit, pour se rasseoir, qu'il fût assis. Alors les diverses personnes de service qui étoient dans la salle se mirent par terre, et l'introducteur qui l'avoit fait entrer alla nous chercher, nous autres qui formions sa suite, et il nous plaça près des Bosniens.

"Faites entrer alors," ordered the Admiral, still smiling, and a steward came in bearing six bottles of Guinness' stout. "You see that I know what you like," added the Admiral, beaming.

Français! le bal va se r'ouvrir, Et vous aimez la danse, L'Allemande vient de finir, Mais l'Anglaise commence. D'y figurer tous nous Français Seront parbleu bien aises, Car s'ils n'aiment pas les Anglais, Ils aiment les Anglaises. D'abord par le pas de Calais Il faut entrer en danse, Le son des instrumens Français Marquera la cadence;

It was a sound familiar to all the creoles, that bellowing shout of Gaspard Roussillon's. He was roaming around the stockade, having been turned back by the guard when he tried to pass through the main gate. "They shut me out!" he bellowed furiously. "I am Gaspard Roussillon, and they shut me out, me! Ziff! me voici! je vais entrer immediatement, moi!"

"I have been told I cannot tell you what for here's the bell-man. I don't wonder 'the choleric man' knocked down the postman for blowing his horn in his ear. "Abruptly yours, Alfred had good reason to desire to be acquainted with this lord chief justice. Some French writer says, "Qu'il faut plier les grandes ailes de l'eloquence pour entrer dans un salon."