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He stopped when he saw Barbara. "This is very kind," he said to her. "I knew Cartwright was on board, but hadn't hoped you would come to give us a good send-off." Barbara noted his satisfaction and was moved by something in his voice. He looked thin and fine-drawn in his stained engineer's clothes, and his hands were greasy.

Since the men setting fence posts had a fairly wide view of the plain, he determined to work in the open only for two or three hours at daybreak before the Mexicans were about. For Menocal, or any one else, must have no suspicion of his real ditch line until an application for construction of the project had been filed in the state engineer's office.

Then all at once the drums ceased; and through the night air drifted a minor chant; a wail, that rose, fell, died, and came again, lagging as many strange voices joined it. And from the square, below, a shrill, high-pitched, half-animal cry responded. Creeping shudders chilled the flesh along the engineer's backbone.

By and by a plume of smoke rose above the trees and something twinkled in an opening. A rhythmic snorting and a rumble pierced the throb of the river, and Kerr looked up the track. "The engineer's bringing her along fast. Shall I flag him to snub her and shut the throttle before he runs across the new stuff?" "No," said Festing quietly. "It won't be needful."

"They're not so very little," he said. "My wife's son is nearly grown. He is at an academy in Connecticut, and he expects to go into a civil engineer's office in the spring. His sister is older than he is. My wife married in the first instance when she was very young very young in deed." "Oh!" said Euphemia; and then, after a pause, "And neither of them is at home now?" "No," said the ex-boarder.

Then we have the ladies' cabin set apart as an engineer's office, and I think this decidedly the nicest place in the ship: 35 ft. × 20 ft. broad four tables, three great mirrors, plenty of air, and no heat from the funnels, which spoil the great dining-room.

Several times during the ride Murphy had caught a glimpse of the engineer's face, and the eyes had haunted him since defiance of death, contempt of consequences, had been reflected in them. Trevison's eyes reminded him of the engineer's. But in Trevison's eyes was an added expression cold humor. The engineer of Murphy's recollection would have met death dauntlessly.

"D -n it," reiterated the chief, with his head hidden. They were all down there the whole engineer's staff of the Mooroo in their shirt-sleeves, lying among the bright steel rods busy at their craft working against time for their lives.

"Sivert." "And the other one?" "Eleseus." "And he's in an engineer's office what's he reckon to learn there? A starvation-business. Much better have come to me," said Geissler. "Ay," said Isak, for politeness' sake. He felt a sort of pity for Geissler at the moment. Oh, that good man did not look as if he could afford to keep clerks; had to work hard enough by himself, belike.

And with a gesture of disgust Weir turned away. It was the moment Sorenson had been waiting for. As the engineer's back came about, exposed in one instant of carelessness, the man struck Weir full force on the neck, sending him staggering. Then Sorenson leaped for the doorway. Janet screamed. Weir recovered himself and whirled around, whipping forth his revolver and firing two shots.