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He was enchained by certain superstitious impressions in regard to the dwelling which he tenanted, and whence, for many years, he had never ventured forth in regard to an influence whose supposititious force was conveyed in terms too shadowy here to be re-stated an influence which some peculiarities in the mere form and substance of his family mansion, had, by dint of long sufferance, he said, obtained over his spirit an effect which the physique of the gray walls and turrets, and of the dim tarn into which they all looked down, had, at length, brought about upon the morale of his existence.

In the rivalry of Maurice and Barneveld however for the national affection the chances were singularly against the Advocate. The great battles and sieges of the Prince had been on a world's theatre, had enchained the attention of Christendom, and on their issue had frequently depended, or seemed to depend, the very existence of the nation.

Lamb fought against his failing; he suffered agonies of remorse; he bitterly blamed himself for "buying days of misery by nights of madness;" but the sweet soul was enchained, and no struggles availed to work a blessed transformation. Read his "Confessions of a Drunkard."

It is true, then, that those fables were preserved were held in popular respect, but the reverence they excited among the Greeks was due to a poetry which flattered their national pride and enchained their taste, and not to the serious doctrines of their religion.

But even as he spoke, the last line faltered and halted. His glance slowly stiffened out of widening eyes to the face it had caught there a face new, strange, mesmeric, that all at once enchained him soul and body. With a splendid, reckless might it assailed him left him dazed, deaf, speechless. It was the face of Nancy, for the first time all its guards down.

From the sacred dome Allured betrayed for sure some hell-born magic Enchained my frenzied sense I fled with him, The invader of religion's dread abodes! Where art thou, my beloved? Haste return With thy dear presence calm my struggling soul! Hark! the sweet voice! No! 'twas the echoing surge That beats upon the shore; alas! he comes not.

As he spoke, every sound was hushed, every thought suspended by intense attention. His graceful elocution enchained the senses of his hearers. In some degree also he was fitted to reconcile all parties. His birth pleased the aristocracy; his being the candidate recommended by Adrian, a man intimately allied to the popular party, caused a number, who had no great reliance either on the Duke or Mr.

As was the case in old despotic countries, their minds are purposely kept enchained; for, were they once to awake from their present condition, the consequences to the whites might be fearful. They are four times as numerous as the latter, and if they ever become conscious of this superiority, the whites might probably be placed in the position that the unhappy blacks have hitherto occupied.

Jesus is the face of God, close up, looking tenderly, yearningly, into man's face, that his eye may be caught and held, and his heart be enchained. <u>Sin's Brood.</u> The second great result of that Eden break has been in the growth of sin.

You are willing, then, Louis, that she to whom you have said 'I love you, should belong to another than to her king; to her master, to her lover? Oh! courage, Louis! courage! One word, a single word! Say 'I will! and all my life is enchained to yours, and all my heart is yours forever." The king made no reply.