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It was originally a progressive growth from the ancient lyre, through the harp, psaltery, dulcimer, clavictherium, clavichord, virginal, spinet, harpsichord, to the piano of Christofali in the early years of the last century. At the period of Mr.

The cannon thundered all around the welkin, in a very grand, stately, and leisurely manner. I read the history of the day to the children. What made the morning beautiful and springlike to me was a letter which Julian brought from my husband. April 21. A day like a dulcimer. It was so charming to rake and plant and prune that I remained out a long time, and tore my hands nicely.

"I love it so." "Does loving a thing make it yours?" "I think so, mother at least more than anything else can. But I do love baby, and baby is my very own Dulcimer." "The baby's mine, Diamond." "That makes her the more mine, mother." "How do you make that out?" "Because you're mine, mother." "Is that because you love me?" "Yes, just because. Love makes the only myness," said Diamond.

The mistress of the shop saw the dog in my hand, and snatched it away, and accused me of being a thief; so then, with the noise she made, the chairmen, who were near the door, came up, and the mob gathered, and our dulcimer was broken, and I'm very sorry for it. The mistress of the print-shop observed, in a loud and contemptuous tone, 'that all this must be a lie, for that such a one as he could not have buns to give away to dogs! Here the blind man vindicated his boy, by assuring us that 'he came honestly by the bun that two buns had been given to him about an hour before this time by a young gentleman, who met him as he was coming out of a pastry-cook's shop. When the mob heard this explanation, they were sorry for the mischief they had done to the blind man's dulcimer; and, after examining it with expressions of sorrow, they quietly dispersed.

And she would bring her dulcimer to the window and play them over, nodding her head to the instrument as she sang. It was pleasant to watch her. For sometimes when the music refused to run aright, she would frown at the dulcimer, as if the discord had been entirely its fault and it was old enough to know better.

In other respects, and as a spectacle, the Hebrew masque would infallibly eclipse every other in the room. The silver bells alone would 'bear the bell' from every competitor in the room; and she might besides carry a cymbal a dulcimer or a timbrel in her hands. In conclusion, my dear North, let me congratulate you that Mr.

They spake and said to the king Nebuchadnezzar, O king, live for ever. Thou, O king, hast made a decree, that every man that shall hear the sound of the cornet, flute, harp, sackbut, psaltery, and dulcimer, and all kinds of musick, shall fall down and worship the golden image: And whoso falleth not down and worshippeth, that he should be cast into the midst of a burning fiery furnace.

And in the middle of the night Sadko happened to turn in bed, and he touched the Princess with his left foot, and she was cold, cold, cold as ice in January. And with that touch of cold he woke, and he was lying under the walls of Novgorod, with his dulcimer in his hand, and one of his feet was in the little river Volkhov, and the moon was shining. "O grandfather!

She was unable to speak, through extreme agitation, when she came to the shop: the little dulcimer boy walked straight forward, and gently drew back the short curtain that hung before a glass door, opening into a back parlour. Mad. de Rosier sprang forward to the door, looked through the glass, and was alarmed to see a young man taller than her son; he was at work; his back was towards her.

Dandy Dulcimer having observed him, in consequence of some hints that he had already received from a source with which the reader may become ultimately acquainted, approached, and putting his hand to his hat, exclaimed: "Why, then, Counsellor Crackenfudge, is it here I find your honor?"