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Updated: August 9, 2024

"Y' all ready for school to-morrow, Whitey?" Bill began, on his roundabout attack. "Yeh," Whitey replied gloomily. "Too bad 'bout you, Injun. Kind o' disappointin', their barrin' you out. Kind o' unfair, too." Injun's response to this was as broad a grin as he ever showed to the world. "Me glad," he said. "No like school."

After a few minutes' hard work, Bounce rose to wipe the perspiration from his brow, and said "Wot for didn't ye tell us o' this before, Redhand?" "Because I wasn't sure the cache might not have bin discovered long ago, and I didn't want to risk disappointin' ye."

Perkins, somewhat carried away by this course of reasoning, "you haven't been what we hoped there is no denying that; but knowing that you were disappointing us, why couldn't you have made a special effort?" "Oh, Mrs. Perkins," sobbed the poor woman, "you don't understand. We're all disappointin' to them we loves, but it's them we fear " "Then why aren't you afraid of us?"

"Bein' too sure in three-card Monte has been a most disappointin' experience to many a gent, an' has been most condoocive to transfers of ready cash." "But that's just guessing," said Wilbur. "I'm talking of what I know." "Like enough you never heard about Quick-Finger Joe?" queried the cowboy. "Over-confidence hastens his exit quite some."

"So she oughter be!" retorted the old lady, "with sech a bringin' up ez she's hed. But land! childern's dretful disappointin' ter a pusson. There ain't a selfish bone in my body, but Penel's ez full uv 'em. She'll let me lie awake by the hour at a time while she's a' snoozin' on the sofy beside me.

'Cheer up, old gal, answered Liza, who had seen something of the lives of many married couples; 'it won't seem so bad after yer gets used to it; it's a bit disappointin' at fust, but yer gits not ter mind it. After a little Sally said she must go and see about her husband's tea. She said good-bye, and then rather awkwardly: 'Say, Liza, tike care of yerself!

Dennant's voice; "they're splendid for buildin's, but buildin's are so disappointin'. The thing is to get human interest, isn't it?" and her glance wandered absently past Shelton in search of human interest. "You haven't put down what you've taken, mother." From a little leather bag Mrs. Dennant took a little leather book.

This was a big surprise to me; I had allus supposed that a teacher knew everything, but it seems not. The' 's lots they don't know, an' the front they put up before a pupil is two thirds bluff. A naked body's a disappointin' sight, but I bet a naked soul would make a crow laugh. All through that winter I was tryin' to find an excuse to quarrel with Jabez, but the' wasn't none.

"Well," he said in answer, "they're not, as you might say, falling over themselves trying to see who'll be the first to print it. It's been returned." "The devil you say!" responded the Captain. "Well, that's kind of disappointin' to you, ain't it?" "But," Blix hastened to add, "we're not at all discouraged. We're going to send it off again right away." Then she said good-by to them.

"I did," replied the mendicant, sternly; "but I heard you say, no longer ago than last night say! why you swhore it, man alive! that if you wouldn't have Peggy Gartland, he never should. In your own stable I heard it, an' I was the manes of disappointin' you an' your gang, when you thought to take away the girl by force.

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