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He called to two of these, and said, in a tone of almost pitiful despair: "Take dot man home. I not know who he vas. I not know vere he lif. Somebotty fin' oud. Look his pockets insite. Ask der boleecemans. Do any dings, but take him avay. He haf no soul, no mind, no heart, no noddings!"

The other man, who had been leaning against the bar, had disappeared, while the fellow at the table had seemingly fallen asleep. Mike came forward with a bunch of keys in his hand. "I keep dot room locked," he exclaimed gruffly, "for some beoples run off with all dings they get their fingers on.

Denton could talk with interest even of the work that lay before them. "Whatever it is," he said, "it can't be so hateful as that hat shop. And after we have paid for Dings, we shall still have a whole penny a day between us even now. Afterwards we may improve, get more money." Elizabeth was less inclined to speech. "I wonder why work should seem so hateful," she said. "It's odd," said Denton.

The law is ag'in 'em, right is ag'in 'em, and every true friend of liberty in the country ought to be ag'in 'em." "Vhat ist der matter in dis coontry? I hear in Europe how America ist a free lant, ant how efery man hast his rights; but since I got here dey do nothin' but talk of barons, and noples, and tenants, and arisdograts, and all der bat dings I might leaf behint me, in der olt worlt."

"Dese men haf tiger faces.... I shall send somebody to vetch mein bits of dings." "Where are you going, sir?" "Vere it shall blease Gott," returned Pons' universal legatee with supreme indifference. "Send me word," said Villemot. Fraisier turned to the head-clerk. "Go after him," he whispered. Mme. Cantinet was left in charge, with a provision of fifty francs paid out of the money that they found.

Tom wanted to "let her out," as he put it, but Nellie demurred and so he kept to the rear as before. "But some day I am going to have a machine of my own," said he, "and it is going to do some speeding, I can tell you that." "Yah, and der first dings you know, Dom, you vos ub a dree odder you sphlit a rock insides owid," warned Hans. "Ven I ride so fast like dot I valk, I pet you!"

Maybe tventy-five years ago. Dings got all mixed up and my businesses got vorse und vorse. Und den my son ran avay und wrides me he become a sailor. So I vas alone." "Dis vatch," sighed Gustave, "is very hard to figx. It iss an old vatch und not much good to begin vit. But I figx him. Vat vas ve talking aboud? Oh, my business. Yes, yes. It goes like dat.

Now you know der formula of der strength of der orang-outang it is more as seven to one in relation to man. But Bertran, he haf killed Bimi mit sooch dings as Gott gif him. Dot was der miracle. The infernal clamour in the cage recommenced. 'Aha! Dot friend of ours haf still too much Ego in his Cosmos. Be quiet, dou! Hans hissed long and venomously.

Vell, vell!" said the proprietor, caressing the beer-shop cat for a moment, "dat explains a good many dings about you dat I never understood before. I tell you vat I tink, deacon: if you'd been brought up in my country, mit all de brains you've got in your head, and yoost could'a'had a lot of German beer put inside of you besides, you'd been about de finest man in de United States now.

And if you wish to confess, throw it all upon me, say that you were obliged to pay me. Come! I have a broad back " "I cannot tispose of dings dot are not mine," the good German answered simply. "Very well. I will summons you, you and M. Pons." "It vould kill him " "Take your choice! Dear me, sell the pictures and tell him about it afterwards . . . you can show him the summons " "Ver' goot.