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"Indeed," said she, "a mother! Well, we might stop there and take the mother with us to Barbadoes. Would the girl want to go too?" Dickory bent his head. "Alas!" said he, "I do not know." Then spoke the little Lena. "I would not bother about any particular place to go to," said she. "I'd be so glad to go anywhere that isn't here. But it is not a real ship, you know."

"It is a clever plan," said he, "and you are a good fellow, Dickory, but your scheme, though well intentioned, is unsound. I have too much regard for you to trust you in any vessel sailing from Belize to Kingston, where there are often naval vessels. Going from this port, you would be as likely to be strung up to the yard-arm as to be allowed to go ashore.

And then she looked out upon the forward deck, and the thought came to her that when she had first noticed these men it had seemed to her that they were, indeed, a rough, hard lot. Kate Bonnet was a brave girl, but without knowing why she felt a little frightened. "Your name is Dickory, isn't it?" she said. He looked up quickly, for it pleased him to hear her use his name.

Dickory had told her how he had been with Mr. Newcombe at her home, and therefore there was no need of her sending him another message. "I don't know where to go or where to send," she said simply; "I am lost, and that is all of it." "Oh, no," cried Dame Charter, "not that! You are with good friends, and here you can stay just as long as you like."

'She said that our Dickory was to go to the workhouse. 'Well then, she shan't! said Peter. 'I know nothing about workhouses, but I expect they are very nasty places, and Dickory shan't go there! Then he sat silent, his arm round the little child, who looked up at him and then back at Flossy, and then smiled in that wonderfully pathetic way she had.

And Dickory growled in his soul that he had ever spoken to the man on the pier, except to thank him for the rope he had borrowed. Martin Newcombe's story went on, and he told that, having been extremely angered by the conduct and words of Madam Bonnet, he had gone into the town and made inquiries, hoping to hear something of the whereabouts of Mistress Kate.

Come out!" shouted Mander, as he ran, and before they reached the cave its shuddering inmates had hurried into the light. When the cries and the tears and the embraces were over, Lucilla first looked at Dickory. She started, her face flushed, and she was about to draw back; then she stopped, and advancing held out her hand.

Bonnet, with Dickory close at his heels, ran with a most amazing rapidity, while Greenway followed at a little distance, scarcely able to maintain the speed. "What means this?" cried Bonnet, now no longer a gentleman, but a savage pirate, and as he spoke he thrust aside two of the men who were about to get into the boat, and jumped in himself. "What means this?" he thundered.

"Suppose!" sneered the other, "I know it. He has stolen from me as well as from Bonnet. I should have commanded this ship, and I had made all my plans to do it when I got here." "Then you are as great a rascal," said Dickory, "as that vile pirate down below." "Just as great," said Bittern, "the only difference being that he has won everything while I have lost everything."

Now the spirit of Black Paul was up. If the fellow on the brig wanted a line he wanted to come aboard, and if he wanted to come aboard, he should do so. So he seized a heavier coil and, swinging it around his head, sent it, with tremendous force, towards Dickory, who made a wild grab at it and caught it.