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Dher ma chuirp, man, if it was known, his name would be higher up than ever. Be my sowl, any how, that was the Lamh Laudher blow, my boy, an' what that is, is well known. The devil curse him for it!" "Granny, you must assist me in three things. Find a clue to the money bring this fellow in my way, as you promised and help me with the landlord's daughter." "Is there nothin' else?" "What?"

"Also vot vill be dher gost, if any?" put in Shylock. A murmur of disapprobation greeted this remark. "The cost need not trouble you, sir," said Sir Walter, indignantly, addressing the stranger; "you will have carte blanche." "Den ve are ruint!" cried Shylock, displaying his palms, and showing by that act a select assortment of diamond rings. "Oh," laughed the stranger, "that is a simple matter.

"Also vot vill be dher gost, if any?" put in Shylock. A murmur of disapprobation greeted this remark. "The cost need not trouble you, sir," said Sir Walter, indignantly, addressing the stranger; "you will have carte blanche." "Den ve are ruint!" cried Shylock, displaying his palms, and showing by that act a select assortment of diamond rings. "Oh," laughed the stranger, "that is a simple matter.

Dher Chiernah, I'll do it or lose a fall I'll make the Lamh Laudhers the Lamh Lhugs afore I've done wid 'em. I've put a thorn in their side this many a year, that'll never come out; I'll now put one in their marrow, an' let them see how they'll bear that. I've left one empty chair at their hearth, an' it 'll go hard wid me but I'll lave another."

"Dher ma chuirp," said she, without even a word of precious salutation, "but I'll,lay my life that Lamh Laudher bates the black. In that case he'd be higher up wid the town than ever. He knocked him down last night." "Well," said Rody, "an' what if he does? I would feel rather satisfied at that circumstance.

"Only think of him," exclaimed the father, breathless "only think of him havin' the assurance to propose a match between you an' his baby-faced daughter! Ho! Dher manhim, Owen Connor," he shouted, shaking the staff at Owen as he spoke "Dher manhim! if I was near you, I'd put your bones through other, for darin' to mintion sich a thing!"

"Won't you?" replied the beldame; "ay, dher Creestha, will you, whin you know what. I have to tell you about him an' an' " "And who, granny?" "Diououl, man, but I'm afeard to tell you, for fraid you'd kill me." "Tut, Nelly; I'd not strike an Obeah-wo-man," said he, laughing. "I suspect foul play between him an' her." "Eh? Fury of hell, no!"

A lie I cannot tell no more than I can cover the truth. My brother has threatened to strike you, an' as I said afore, you must bear it for his sister's sake." "No, dher Chiernah, never. That, Ellen, is goin' beyant what I'm able to bear. Ask me to cut off my right hand for your sake, an' I'll do it; ask my life, an' I'll give it: but to ask a Lamh Laudher to bear a blow from a Neil never.

Dher Chiernah, he had not; an' he may thank Nell M'Collum for that. I put the weakness over him. But I've not done wid him yet. I'll make that family curse the day they crossed Nell M'Collum, if I should go down for it. Not that I have any ill will to the boy himself, but the father's heart's in him, an' that's the way, Meehaul, I'll punish the man that was the means of lavin' me as I am."

"You won't fight?" said Meehaul, with mingled rage and scorn. "No," replied the other, "I won't fight you." A murmur of "shame" and "coward" was heard from those who had been drawn together by their quarrel. "Dher ma chorp," they exclaimed with astonishment, "but Lamh Laudher's afeard of him! the garran bane's in him, now that he finds he has met his match."