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"She looked kinder delikit, though. What's her name?" "Lily Lily Rose. Ain't that a purty name?" "Beautiful. The lily part jest suits her. She's like a flower a white flower. But what do you want the surplus fer?" "You see," began the Boarder, coming by circuitous route to his subject, "gals git notions in their heads sometimes when they air in "

And it has always been, and is now, man's greatest desire and chiefest aim he has aimed at, to protect women, to throw the shinin' mantilly of his constant devotion about her delikit form and shield her and guard her like the very apples in his eyes.

He ain't been wot I might call hisself for the last day or two, and I thought a little fresh air might do 'im good. "Mr. Bunnett just looked at him, and then 'e passed 'im by without a word. "'I wanted to ask your advice about 'im, ses Bob, turning round and follering of 'im. 'He's a delikit animal, and sometimes I wonder whether I 'aven't been a-pampering of 'im too much. "'Go away, ses Mr.

"Davidson, you're a genius!" exclaimed the stranger heartily. "I tells you I becomes subtle," acknowledged the old man with just pride. "But now you sees it ain't delikit that my name appears in th' case a tall. Folks is so suspicious these yere days, that if I has a share, and Arthur yere has a share, they says p'rhaps we has this yere scheme in view right along.

The Countess narrowed her eyes briefly, then became animated. "Say, listen here, friend! That's a little more delikit work than I been doin', but they's a party near here lemme see " She passed one of the plump white hands over her brow in the throes of recollection. "I think his name is Professor Balthasar.

Press in his delikit insides. We're out of business for a week, maybe, mending him up." Shearson, however, was in favor of it. It suggested prosperity and aroused public interest. On Hal's return from New York, the fat and melancholious advertising manager had exhibited a somewhat mollified pessimism. "The Boston Store is coming back," he visited Hal's sanctum to announce.

An' them young fall tur-r-keys air so spindlin' an' delikit they'll be the death o' me yit!" They were so spindling and delicate that they were the death of themselves. She had just buried three, and her heart and her larder were alike an aching void. "Three died ter-day, an' two las' Wednesday!"

He hadn't more'n got them words out of his delikit mouth before two fat offiss-seekers from Winconsin, in endeverin to crawl atween his legs for the purpuss of applyin for the tollgateship at Milwawky, upsot the President eleck, & he would hev gone sprawlin into the fireplace if I hadn't caught him in these arms.

"Pore cookie ain't well, sir," said the seaman, sympathetically; "'e's been very delikit all this evenin'; that's the worst o' them teetotalers." "All right; that'll do," said the skipper, sharply, as he struck another match, and gave the invalid a final disgusted punch. "Where's the boy?" A small, dirty face with matted hair protruded from the bunk above the cook and eyed him sleepily.

"Anything wrong, Bill?" he ses at last. Bill sat staring at 'im, and then all of a sudden he clapped 'is 'andkerchief to 'is mouth and, getting up from his chair, opened the door and rushed out. George Barstow thought at fust that he 'ad eaten pison for the sake o' the ten shillings, but when 'e remembered that Bill Chambers 'ad got the most delikit stummick in Claybury he altered 'is mind.