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Updated: August 28, 2024

By looping the mines their deadliness could be increased. The unsuspicious airship, advancing under cover of darkness or thick weather, might foul one of the wires, and, driving forward, would tend to pull one or more mines against itself.

So John Ringo went his way, a marked man, and many a trigger-finger itched when he appeared in Tombstone; many a bold spirit longed to take a shot at him. But the knowledge of his deadliness kept him from being made a target. He went his way, and it was a bad way. Dark deeds piled up to fill the debit pages of his life's ledger.

"Take care, take care, Cleggett!" warned Wilton Barnstable, from his post by the starboard bulwark. "Make yourself easy," said Cleggett, parrying a counter en carte, "I am only getting warm." And both of them, stung by the slight scratches which they had received, settled to the business with an intent and silent deadliness of purpose.

The reason of its unhealthiness is not apparent, except in the explanation of Baber, that "border regions, 'debatable grounds, are notoriously the birthplace of myths and marvels." There can be little doubt that the deadliness of the valley is a tradition rather than a reality.

There seemed to Olga something pitiless about him, a deadliness of purpose that made him cruel. And in that moment she became aware of a strong antagonism between these two that almost amounted to open hostility. "A matter of opinion," said Max. "I suppose we each of us have our patent method of killing time." Violet uttered an indolent laugh. "Yours is a very strenuous one," she observed.

"Tom, why must you always be reckoning to kill somebody?" demanded Helen, angrily. "'Cause somebody's got to be killed 'round here. Thet's why!" he snapped back. "Even so should you risk leaving Bo and me without a friend?" asked Helen, reproachfully. At that Carmichael wavered and lost something of his sullen deadliness. "Aw, Miss Nell, I'm only mad.

Those dangers were the work of man, and by natural consequence Breed assumed that their numbers and deadliness increased in proportion as he drew nearer the homes of men, the house itself the most dangerous of all.

Our men had eaten, their enemy was within their grasp and Clark and all his officers could scarce keep them from storming. Such was the deadliness of their aim that scarce a shot came back, and time and again I saw men fling themselves in front of the breastworks with a war-whoop, wave their rifles in the air, and cry out that they would have the Ha'r Buyer's sculp before night should fall.

Yet hate was, in truth, foreign to her frank, vivacious nature; its deadliness never belonged to her, if its passion might; and at a trait akin to her, at a flash of sympathetic spirit in the object of her displeasure, Cigarette changed from wrath to friendship with the true instinct of her little heart of gold.

An emotional state is, of course, a peculiarly complex affair. First, there is the reception of the sensation, sight, sound, touch, or smell, which terrifies. This terror is a secondary reaction, and in ninety-nine cases out of a hundred is conditioned upon our memory of previous similar objects and their dangerousness, or our recollection of what we have been told about their deadliness.

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