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Verily, this is of the dullest, but it is brief: endure it, and pray you consider the deadliness of the topic, and the barbarous cruelty wherewith courtesy has clipped the wings of my poor spite.

We may not have a battle this week or next week, but a big one is bound to come some time or other and then if any section of the Northern artillery shows uncommon deadliness and precision we'll know that Carrington is there. Why, we can recognize his presence as readily as the deer scents the hunter. We'll have many notes to compare with him when the war is over."

"I don't doubt it," said Jack, "although from what you have told us regarding the deadliness of submarines, I believe that I should rather witness action on a British submarine."

He felt a fleeting regret for not having brought his gun, then abandoned the thought. There was no time for regrets what could he do now? The silent watchers hadn't attacked instantly, and Brion realized that they couldn't be positive yet that Lig-magte had been killed. Only Brion himself knew the deadliness of that blow. Their lack of knowledge might buy him a little more time.

In front of the recoiling army lay five dark figures on the green, and they must continue with the deadliness of their fire to create the impression of great numbers. "Now boys!" exclaimed Henry. "Again! Steady and true!" Five rifles cracked together and Long Jim, who had ceased only long enough to aim and pull the trigger resumed his terrific chant.

Instantly Bill sprang at him; and it seemed that he launched his sinewy bulk with a tiger's directness and deadliness straight through the ten feet intervening. He drove his fist into the face of the Denver man, and the latter swept back against those behind him. Again he lifted the merciless fist, and now began striking with both with incredible rapidity.

He's learned to keep his eyes open. He's on to a way of seeing things. And what I've seen is that you're so doggone miserable that that you're almost down and out." This time she spoke to him in the voice with the quality of deadliness in it which she had used to her mother. "Do you think that because you are in your own house you can be as intrusively insulting as you choose?" she said.

I stationed my two soldiers in the narrow doorway to defend the only entrance and entertain the uninitiated with stories of their prowess with the rifle and of the weapon's deadliness. Boys climbed like monkeys to the overhead beams to get a glimpse of me as I fed, and incidentally shook dust into my food. Everyone pushed to where there was standing room.

"It's 'stepping o'er the bounds of modesty, as Shakespeare says, to entice your fellowmen." "The jaw-bone of that ass that Samson killed a thousand Philistines with," returned Persis severely, "ain't to be compared for deadliness, it seems, with a woman's collar-bone. Looks to me as if 'twas high time to stop calling women the weaker sex when it takes so little to bring about a man's undoing.

For one second only he crouched. Then his faculties returned, and launching himself through the air he landed on the trunk of the maple and darted up among the branches. No less swiftly the weasel followed, hungry, bloodthirsty, relentless on the trail. Terrified into folly by the suddenness and deadliness of this peril, the squirrel ran too far up the tree and was almost cornered.