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It seemed to have entered without or against his will; as though suggested by some imperious agency outside himself. His intelligence laughed at it. Something else in him entertained it breathlessly. Radowitz stooped down to try and tempt Lady Marcia's dachshund with a piece of cake.

Each time she went directly home and stopped there, neither she nor her sister coming out again, and no person visiting the apartment, but " "Here's the interesting part," interrupted Fleck. "On both occasions within a couple of blocks of the bookstore she passed a man with a dachshund. She did not speak to the man, but each time she stopped to pet the dog."

It was a portrait. The portrait was that of a Dachshund. The long body, the broad ears, the unclipped tail, the short hind legs all was there. In a fraction of a second the lightning mind of the Great Detective had penetrated the whole mystery. Hastily throwing a domino over his housemaid's dress, he rushed to the street. He summoned a passing hansom, and in a few moments was at his house.

The dachshund, who had shown signs of an intention to finish her reverie on Charmian's knees, blinked, looked guilty, lay down again, turned over on her left side with her back to her mistress, and heaved a sigh that nearly degenerated into a whimper. "I suppose he talked most of the time with Mrs. Shiffney?" "Well, we had quite five minutes together. I spoke about our time at Mustapha."

This sounded reasonable, so we placed them on the ground. There they sat in a circle looking up at our performances, a solemn and mild interest expressing itself in their lugubrious countenances. A dachshund has absolutely no sense of humour or lightness of spirits. He never cavorts.

It would have been more prudent of them to attend. That afternoon Mrs. Dachshund, carried away by enthusiasm, bought a platinum wrist-watch. Mrs. Mastiff bought a diamond dog-collar. Mrs. Sealyham, whose husband was temporarily embarrassed in Wall Street, contented herself with a Sheraton chifforobe.

His bowed legs were encased in loose black trousers, and had as many angles as the forepaws of a Dachshund or a Dandie Dinmont. The peculiarities of his ungainly gait and figure were even more apparent than usual, and as he walked he swung his long arms, that ended in large black gloves which looked as if they were stuffed with sawdust.

I have just been watching Sandy on the rug between the two dogs Tim, and the most adorable black and tan dachshund that Lord Driffield has just given me. Sandy had a bit of biscuit, and was teasing his friends first thrusting it under their noses, and then, just as they were preparing to gulp, drawing it back with a squeal of joy.

How glad I am, because I am at last assured animals have spirits and can come back to us." In concluding the accounts of phantasms of dead dogs, let me quote two cases taken from my work entitled The Haunted Houses of London, published by Mr. Eveleigh Nash, of Fawside House, King Street, Covent Garden, London, W.C., in 1909. The cases are these: The Phantom Dachshund of W St., London, W.

I suppose it's wrong for me to pull this about our own flesh and blood, but when a married woman with six fine children, one of them at Yale, walks sideways up to a piano and begins to squeak, "Good bye, summer! Good bye, summer!" just as if she were calling the dachshund in to dinner, I think it's time she declined the nomination.