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Updated: August 4, 2024

There was no movement. "D'yer hear? Right about face! 'Tention!" "Well, he must have had a good wet! How did un come here?" "I d'know," said one of the men. "Take two shillin' worth o' yale to make a man like that." "Ay," said Smiler. "Know how they do it?" "Saves up," said Joey. "Yah! They don't get no money to save. I'll tell 'ee. My cousin, Billy Weekes, 'listed you all knew Billy?"

I d'know. Might 'a' been lots o' things, but I feel pretty certin sure he got it, and he was glad he hadn't gi'n up b'leevin' 't would come. For you 'member, all the time when Billy 'most knowed it wasn't, Jack 'most knowed 'twas. The Plant that Lost its Berry It was a sad day in Greenhills when we knew that Susan Holcomb's little Jerusha was dead.

It discovered Bolton sitting in the outer doorway, his back against one jamb and his stocking-feet resting against the base of the other. "Mrs. Bolton," Annie began at once, making herself free of one of the hard kitchen chairs, "how is Mr. Peck getting on in Hatboro'?" "I d'know as I know just what you mean, Miss Kilburn," said Mrs. Bolton, on the defensive.

He looked as if every word done him good; I presume it put him in mind of meetin's with brother ministers: I don't suppose but what he misses it some, here. You can't say but what he's a fine appearin' young man. I d'know as I see anything wrong in his kind of dressin' up to the nines, as you may say. As long's he's got the money, I don't see what harm it is.

I ain't one to set much store on worldly ambition, and I never was; and I d'know as I care for Lyddy's advancement, as you may call it. I believe that as far forth as true happiness goes she'd be as well off here as there. But I don't say but what she would be more satisfied in the end, and as long as you can't have happiness, in this world, I say you'd better have satisfaction.

They was coming back from Gatewell over the hills; and they see a light up by Ergles, where there aren't no lights, and they crep' up to see what it was, and looked down and see a fire, with a lot of old witches in long gowns leaning over it, and boiling something in a pot; and they think it's babies." "Why do they think that?" "I d'know, master. Because they thought so, I think.

A tall man stood on a bench in the corner, and, thumping his Bible wildly with his fist, exclaimed, at the top of his voice: "There is no hell at all! The Bible says the wicked perish utterly. They are consumed as ashes when they die. They perish as dogs!" "What kind o' docterin' is that?" asked a short man of Councill. "I d'know. It's ol' Sam Richards.

I d'know as she took much of a fancy to her aunt, but you couldn't told from anything that Lyddy said. Now, if I have anything on my mind, I have to blat it right out, as you may say; I can't seem to bear it a minute; but Lyddy's different. Well," concluded Miss Maria, "I guess there ain't goin' to any harm come to her.

"I presume he felt the cap fit. But if it hadn't b'en one thing, 'twould b'en another. Mr. Peck was bound to roil the brook for Mr. Gerrish's drinkin', wherever he stood, up stream or down." "Yes. He is a wolf! A wolf in sheep's clothing," said Annie excitedly. "I d'know as you can call him a wolf, exactly," returned Mrs. Bolton dryly. "He's got his good points, I presume." Annie was astounded.

He added, with a weak obstinacy: "I d'know as we're as poor as that comes to. The things would fetch something." "Enough to get us out there, and then we should be on Jim's hands," said the woman. "We should till spring, maybe. I d'know as I want to face another winter here, and I d'know as Jackson does." The young man gasped back, courageously: "I guess I can get along here well enough."

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