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Updated: August 13, 2024

"Oh, don't be riled," said Cusack; "the fact is, Pil and I came to see if you'd put us up to a thing or two in this sort of business." "We've gone on the steady, Phil, you know," explained Pilbury, in conciliatory tones, "and thought it would be rather jolly if we three worked up a little chemistry together."

Captain Cusack, R.N., when he had parted from his dutiful son the night before, had put five shillings into his hand as a pleasant memento of his visit; and Master Cusack, directly after second school that morning, had skulked down into Shellport with his hat-box, and returned in due time with the same receptacle packed almost to bursting with dough-nuts, herrings, peppermint-rock, and sherbet.

Cusack Moore, a very intelligent private of Company K, said they charged five times. After the charge Captain Crawford requested General Mahone to give him permission to report to his regiment, and he ordered him to report to General Sanders, and he joined in that charge with his men.

Cusack carried his bat for eighteen, much to his own gratification; and of his companions, Pilbury, Philpot, and Walker each made double figures. It required all Riddell's authority, in the face of this splendid achievement, to keep his men from jeopardising their second innings in the field by yielding prematurely to elation.

Afraid your slate's a little damaged; awfully sorry, you ought to keep a toasting-fork ha! ha!" and a chorus of laughter greeted the sally. Cusack groaned and fumed. "You pack of young cads," he howled through the key-hole. "Come out of there, do you hear? you thieves you. I'll warm you, Parson, when I get hold of you." "Just what we're doing to the bloaters," cried Telson. There was a pause.

The next ball comes but before it has left the bowler's hand young Wyndham has begun to run. Loud shouts and laughter follow his headlong progress. "Well run, sir; put it on!" scream Parson and Telson. "Stop thief!" howl Bosher and his friends. "He's gaining, there! Pull yourself together!" cry Cusack and Pilbury.

"Do you, really?" replied the captain. "How jolly that must be!" Cusack and Pilbury could hardly tell why they laughed at this very innocent observation, but they did, and Riddell was quick enough to see his advantage. "You know, I'd be very sorry to interfere with the beautiful music," he said; "but do you think you could get to like not to sing after supper?"

No one was bold enough to dispute this peculiarly modest description of the order of Welch's house. "I wonder if he's been kicked out of the captaincy as well?" asked Cusack, who was apparently convinced in his own mind that the new move was a degradation for Riddell.

At last in the press they stumble upon one boy at close quarters, whom Cusack the younger captures forthwith. "Ah, Pil, I was looking for you. Here's the my father, I mean R.N., you know." "How are you, captain?" says the newcomer.

He goes about collecting them in Shellport, I suppose, and finishes them up on the quiet." "Oh, he's a beast!" said Cusack. "And old Silk's about as bad. He doesn't care a bit what we do as long as he enjoys himself. Don't suppose he'd be down on us, do you?" "No fear! He might pot us now and then for appearances' sake, but he wouldn't report us, I guess."

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