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"Near the mid-hour of the night the rush of a horse's feet was heard, and the sound of a rider leaping from its back, and a heavy knock came to the door, accompanied by a voice saying, 'The cummer drink's hot, and the knave bairn is expected at Laird Laurie's to-night; sae mount, goodwife, and come.

"Take back your beads, cummer; I know no legerdemain, can do no conjuring tricks," said the mediciner, who, more moved than perhaps his rugged nature had anticipated, endeavoured to avoid receiving the ill omened gift. But his last words gave offence to the churchman, whose presence he had not recollected when he uttered them.

And werena thae pleasant guests, think ye, to take up their quarters in ae woman's heart? I trow there was routh o' company." "But, cummer," continued the beggar, "it wasna the Countess of Glenallan I meant, but her son, him that was Lord Geraldin." "I mind it now," she said; "I saw him no that langsyne, and we had a heavy speech thegither.

"I hae heard," said the mendicant, taking his cue from what Oldbuck had told him of the family history "I hae heard, cummer, that some ill tongue suld hae come between the Earl, that's Lord Geraldin, and his young bride." "Ill tongue?" she said in hasty alarm; "and what had she to fear frae an ill tongue? she was gude and fair eneugh at least a' body said sae.

"I hae heard," said the mendicant, taking his cue from what Oldbuck had told him of the family history "I hae heard, cummer, that some ill tongue suld hae come between the Earl, that's Lord Geraldin, and his young bride." "Ill tongue?" she said in hasty alarm; "and what had she to fear frae an ill tongue? she was gude and fair eneugh at least a' body said sae.

"Fie, fie, cummer," said the matron of Glendearg, hitching her seat of honour, in her turn, a little nearer to the cuttle-stool on which Tibb was seated; "weel-favoured is past my time of day; but I might pass then, for I wasna sae tocherless but what I had a bit land at my breast-lace. My father was portioner of Little-dearg."

I once got a hansel out of a witch's quaigh myself, auld Marion Mathers, of Dustiefoot, whom they tried to bury in the old kirkyard of Dunscore, but the cummer raise as fast as they laid her down, and naewhere else would she lie but in the bonnie green kirkyard of Kier, among douce and sponsible fowk.

The following law, croaking dialogue was necessarily overheard by the Master of Ravenswood: "That's a fresh and full-grown hemlock, Annie Winnie; mony a cummer lang syne wad hae sought nae better horse to flee over hill and how, through mist and moonlight, and light down in the the King of France's cellar."

An noo, me leddy, ye maun e'en just forgie' an auld cummer like mesel' gin she writes you a' that followed, e'en though it should cut you to the heart; for ye ought to ken weel the ways o' your bitter ill-wishers. Aweel, then, and when I had answered me laird, he turned to the poleecemen and said: "'The truth is, Mr. Murray, that you have been deceived by a vera artful party.

Her mother, old Luckie Loup-the-Dyke, "a canty carline" as was within twenty miles of her, according to the unanimous report of the "cummers," or gossips, sat by the fire in the full glory of a grogram gown, lammer beads, and a clean cockernony, whiffing a snug pipe of tobacco, and superintending the affairs of the kitchen; for sight more interesting to the anxious heart and craving entrails of the desponding seneschal than either buxom dame or canty cummer there bubbled on the aforesaid bickering fire a huge pot, or rather cauldron, steaming with beef and brewis; while before it revolved two spits, turned each by one of the cooper's apprentices, seated in the opposite corners of the chimney, the one loaded with a quarter of mutton, while the other was graced with a fat goose and a brace of wild ducks.