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Updated: August 22, 2024

But knotted at the collar of his flannel shirt were the colours of one of the most famous and exclusive cricket clubs in the world, and everybody knew that in his day their wearer had been a mighty figure in the public eye. "Hi, Crowfoot!" shouted Starkey above the din and babel. "Crowfoot, Crowfoot! Come over here, there's a chap dying to see you!"

And when the poor fellow appeared, he could scarcely see out of his eyes, and certainly couldn't take anything like an aim. And he shot him dead, did Captain Crowfoot.'-Think of hearing that about one's own father, sir! But I never said a word, for I hadn't a word to say. 'Think of that, Samuel, said my aunt, 'else you won't believe what I am going to tell you.

Meantime the Indians had gathered in hundreds about the tent outside, all armed, and wild for blood, you bet. I could hear the Superintendent making his statement. All at once he stopped and out he came with his man by the collar, old Crowfoot after him in a fury, but afraid to give the signal of attack. The Indians were keen to get at us, but the old Chief had his men in hand all right.

To tell me there could not be a man so lost to shame, if to rectitude, as Captain Crowfoot, is simply to talk nonsense. Nay, gentle reader, if you and let me suppose I address a lady if you will give yourself up for thirty years to doing just whatever your lowest self and not your best self may like, I will warrant you capable, by the end of that time, of child murder at least.

"Captain," said the agent, piqued at having his title by courtesy withheld. "By no mean," said Major Sawrasp, who had spoken "I believe I am speaking to Lieutenant Crowfoot, agent for transport No. , wherein it so happens I am commanding officer so"

What an 'if'. But come; for the sun burns bright, and fishing is impossible: lie down upon the bank, above this stop. Lie down on your face, and look down through two or three feet of water clear as air into the water forest where the great trout feed. Here; look into this opening in the milfoil and crowfoot bed. Do you see a grey film around that sprig? Examine it through the pocket lens.

There was our man, as large as life, in the place of honour beside old Crowfoot. The interpreter, who was scared to death, afterwards told me all about it. "'I want this man, said the Superintendent, hardly waiting to say good-day to the old Chief. "Crowfoot was right up and ready for a fight. The Superintendent, without ever letting go the half-breed's shoulder, set out the case.

"Where's Market Milcaster?" enquired Spargo. "Don't know it." "Market Milcaster," replied Crowfoot, still turning the silver ticket over and over, "is what the topographers call a decayed town in Elmshire. It has steadily decayed since the river that led to it got gradually silted up. There used to be a famous race-meeting there in June every year.

Cane chairs appeared in the last quarter of the century. It is said that the use of cane was introduced into furniture with the marriage of Charles II. to Catharine of Braganza. The bow-legged chair, often with claw and ball foot, came into use in the beginning of the eighteenth century. "Crowfoot" and "eaglesfoot" were named in inventories. These are copies of Dutch shapes.

"The Police ride hard these days?" said Crowfoot in his own language, after a long silence. "Oh, sometimes," replied Cameron carelessly, "when cattle-thieves ride too." "Huh?" inquired Crowfoot innocently. "Yes, some Indians forget all that the Police have done for them, and like coyotes steal upon the cattle at night and drive them over cut-banks."

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