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Updated: August 8, 2024

"Are you sure you've neither of you told anybody?" she asked, fixing her searching eyes upon each in turn. "Sure! Cross my heart!" declared Tim; and Davy nodded agreement. The wire door of the doctor's house swung open creakingly, and Mrs. Munn came slowly down the garden path.

To penetrate into the dwelling of our friends the bonzes, which is situated on the right side as you enter, is by no means an easy matter. A monster of the fish tribe, but having claws and horns, is hung over their door by iron chains; at the least breath of wind he swings creakingly.

At length his efforts are crowned with success; the door flies creakingly open, and a cloud of dust uprising covers them like a mist. "Ah!" exclaims Ethel, recoiling; but Arthur, stooping forward, carefully examines the dark staircase that lies before him wrapped in impenetrable gloom.

"By !" whispered the alarmed organist, not stopping to say by what, but leaping like an acrobat back to his seat. His fingers and boots were at work instantly, and as he played he turned his head and whispered "Better fetch some one." One of the young men crept quickly and creakingly down the stairs.

Neither, they were to learn, did Miss Putnam like company, especially that of boys and girls. When the last piece of furniture had been carried in, and the van had driven creakingly off down the street, the old lady, with her head tied in the towel, was seen approaching the fence. "That's Miss Putnam," whispered Francis. "Get off that fence!" cried Miss Putnam, brandishing her broom. "Get off!

An unanimous chorus assured him that they did. It took some time to arrange the ropes, but at last, creakingly and slowly, the car began to make its ascent. "Bless the Lord!" ejaculated the darky operator fervently, "I done guess our troubles is ovah!" He changed his mind in a minute when it was discovered that the car gates were jammed.

"Nothing now," said Smith, pointing into the darkness of the road before us, "except a couple of studios, until one comes to the Heath." He inserted the key in the lock of the gate and swung it creakingly open.

"Wal," sighed Aunt 'Mira, comfortably, rocking creakingly on the front porch of the old Day house in the glow of sunset, "Polktown does seem rejoovenated, jest like Mr. Middler preached last Sunday, since rum sellin' has gone out. And it was a sight for sore eyes ter see Marm Parraday come ter church ag'in an' that poor, miser'ble Lem taggin' after her." Janice laughed, happily.

At once they moved forward and were assisted inside the wagon, which soon after passed out of the gate and moved creakingly along the main road in the direction of the Styr River. They were to cross one of its bridges, as the main army was now doing. The last of the regiments at Grovno would see that the bridges were destroyed before the German soldiers could come up to them. A Russian Retreat

I wouldn't have you do that for the world! All right, I'll be out in a jiffy." He gave his hair a final brush, straightened his tie, turned around once more before the mirror, and walked fearfully forth to meet the visitor. For him, the anticipated pleasure of the forenoon had been replaced by uneasy foreboding. But Mrs. Corcoran Dunn, as she rose creakingly to greet him, was extremely gracious.

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