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'Nothing, said the Cogia, 'provided you don't frighten carriers' camels. Once upon a time the Cogia was sent into Curdistan along with the Ambassador. Whilst he was there the Curdish Beys invited the Cogia to a feast which they had made in honour of him. The Cogia, putting on a pelisse, went to the place of festival. During the entertainment he chanced to belch.

No sooner did he enter the door than the master advanced to meet him, and saying, 'Welcome, Cogia Efendi, with all imaginable honour and reverence placed him at the head of the table, and said, 'Please to eat, Lord Cogia. Forthwith the Cogia taking hold of one of the furs of his pelisse, said, 'Welcome, my pelisse, please to eat, my lord. The master looking at the Cogia with great surprise, said, 'What are you about? Whereupon the Cogia replied, 'It is quite evident that all the honour paid is paid to my pelisse, so let it have some food too.

The Cogia forthwith turning to the priests said, 'What are your questions? Then one of the priests, coming forward, said, 'May it please your Efendiship, my question is this: "Where may the middle of the earth be?" Thereupon the Cogia, instantly dismounting from his ass, pointed with his staff to the fore foot of the ass, saying, 'The middle of the earth is the spot on which my ass's foot stands. 'How do you know that? said the priest.

'I merely came to take a walk, said the Cogia. 'We will now make you take a pretty walk, said the carriers, and instantly began belabouring him with their cudgels. The Cogia, with tears streaming from his eyes, ran home. 'Where have you been? said his wife. 'I have been dead, said the Cogia, 'and in the tomb. 'And what is there in the other world? said his wife.

Knowing this custom, Ali Cogia followed the Caliph into the public hall of the palace, and waited the result. After some time the officer appeared, and told him that the Caliph had read his petition, and had appointed an hour the next morning to give him audience. He then inquired the merchant's address, so that he might be summoned to attend also.

After some time, the Cogia, recovering a little, on seeing his wife weeping by his side, exclaimed, 'O wife, do not weep, I have suffered a great deal, but I have had my desire. One day a thief got into the Cogia's house. Cries his wife, 'O Cogia, there is a thief in the house. 'Don't make any disturbance, says the Cogia.

In fact, it was only a month before Ali Cogia's actual return that the affair came into his head at all, owing to his wife's remarking one day, that it was a long time since she had eaten any olives, and would like some. "That reminds me," said the husband, "that before Ali Cogia went to Mecca seven years ago, he left a vase of olives in my care.

'Oh, set your heart at rest, said the Cogia, 'the cauldron is dead. 'O Cogia, said the man, 'can a cauldron die? 'Oh, said the Cogia, 'as you believed it could bear a child, why should you not believe that it can die? One day the Cogia, walking amongst the sepulchres, saw a large dog lying upon a gravestone.

The Cogia, very much surprised, took the money for the cow, and went running to his house. The inspectors, however, coming, took away the Cogia's daughter, whereupon his wife said, 'O Cogia, do you stay a little. The inspecting matrons have been for the girl.

And when you have learned, as learn you will, from his mouth what I am sure he will tell you, come back to me, my Pleasant Joy, and rest upon my heart. Jehane sighed, and wrought with her fingers in her lap. 'If it must be, sire 'Why, of course it must be, said the Old Man briskly. He sent her away to the harem with a kiss on her mouth, and had in Cogia, and Bohadin son of Falmy of Balsora.