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Updated: August 8, 2024

Forthwith the Cogia let a ; and when Tamerlank said, 'Is not that ill manners? he replied, 'It is not reckoned so in our country. The repast being over, the sherbet was brought; and then the Cogia, getting up, set off on his way home. 'Why did you break wind in the presence of Timour? said the groom. Answered the Cogia, 'When the Imam the assembly breaks up.

On the 14th of the moon Shawal, Cogia Achmet returned to Sennaar, bringing with him about two thousand prisoners as slaves, consisting almost entirely of women and children. They were posted on a mountain of difficult access; but their post was stormed, and after a desperate struggle, they found that spears and swords, though wielded by stout hearts and able hands, were not a match for fire-arms.

This he did and found that, as the stranger had promised, the prices he could get there were much higher than those paid in Mecca. While Ali Cogia was in Cairo he made the acquaintance of some people who were about to journey down into Egypt by caravan. They urged Ali to join them, and after some persuasion he consented to do so, as he had always wished to see that country.

What will you give me? The Moolah taking the pomegranates which were in his bosom, gave him one; whereupon the Cogia answered his question, and got all his pomegranates, one by one, till not a single grain remained. The Moolah then said, 'I have yet one question to ask. The Cogia replied, 'Go your way: don't trouble me.

One day the Cogia laying hold on a crane, took it home, and saying that its beak and feet were very long, cut them off with a knife; and placing it on a lofty place, said, 'Now you look like a bird. One day the Cogia having made his broth very hot, burnt his mouth, and making a great outcry, ran into the street, saying, 'Make way, brothers: there is a fire in my belly.

Cogia Achmet, believing he had made a sufficient proof to them that resistance on their part was unavailing, and the troops having suffered great distress by reason of the almost continual rains, after sweeping the villages of these people of all the population they could find in them, resumed his march for Sennaar.

Whereupon they said to the Cogia, 'Who burnt our clothes? 'My dear friends, replied the Cogia, 'to-morrow is the Day of Resurrection, so what need can you have of clothes? One day a thief, entering the house of the Cogia, laid hold of everything there was there, and, placing it on his back, went away.

The Cogia, who was not yet sleep, rising in haste, seized the thief by the collar and cried out, 'O wife, be quick and light a candle, for I have caught a thief! hereupon the thief exclaimed humorously, 'O Cogia Efendi, don't be in a hurry; the virtue in that prayer being in me was rather too much for me, and so I tumbled down here.

But really by this time he must be dead, and there is no reason we should not eat the olives if we like. Give me a light, and I will fetch them and see how they taste." "My husband," answered the wife, "beware, I pray, of your doing anything so base! Supposing seven years have passed without news of Ali Cogia, he need not be dead for all that, and may come back any day.

Nasr Eddin Efendi had two daughters. One day the two coming to see their father, the Cogia said to them, 'Well, daughters, how do things go on with you? Now, the husband of one of them was a farmer, that of the other was a maker of tiles.

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