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It didn't do no good, neither, so I pushed a hot plate of ham gravy off the table. It hit the dog 'n' he jumped like kingdom come. Old Bunny sails into me, Nan a-watchin', and while Mex was pickin' up and cleanin' up, I sneaks over to the stove and winks at Nan. Say, you oughter seen her look mad at me.

Every time these orchard fellers dig a hole to plant a young fruit tree they aims to heave a codfish in the bottom o' the hole first, for fertilizer. There was upwards o' two hundred thousand codfish in that schooner an' I've sold 'em for five cents each, delivered at Dunnigan's Landin'. I figger on cleanin' up about seven thousand net on the deal.

Las' Brer Rabbit, he up'n say, sezee: "'Brer B'ar, I speck I got some bizness cut out fer you, sezee. "'What dat, Brer Rabbit? sez Brer B'ar, sezee. "'W'iles I wuz cleanin' up my new-groun' day 'fo' yistiddy, sez Brer Rabbit, sezee, 'I come 'cross wunner deze yer ole time bee- trees.

It couldna blaw the ash aff a ceegarette. I'm rael sorry 'I would like to inspect the apartments you live in. Pray conduct me 'Some o' the chaps is cleanin' theirsel's. If ye like, I'll tell them to hurry up or get ablow the blankets. 'Certainly not! said Mrs. Purdie with decision. 'Is there no tea-room adjacent? 'Jist the canteen.

"If you so much as climb these stairs again, you and I will have trouble," Sniffing disdainfully, Miss Mehitable went down into the kitchen, no longer singing. "You'll have to finish your own cleanin'," she said to Miss Evelina. "That blackmailing play-doctor thinks it ain't good for my health to climb ladders. He's afraid I'll fall off same as Minty did and he hesitates to take more of my money."

"Hogwash it is when a feller o' your manners swills it. Mebbe it'll clear some o' the filth off'n your measly chest. Have one on me; I'd be real glad to help in the cleanin' process." There was a subtle threat underlying his last words. But Jim cared nothing for what he said. "I'll pay for all I need," he retorted, turning from the counter, and bearing his bottle away over to the window.

No'm, de spinnin' wheels was kep' in de kitchen of de Big House. Hit had a dirt flo'. Us jes wo' li'l old suits made out'n lowell cloth whut mammy wove on de loom. I doan 'member wearin' no shoes. "I jes played roun' 'bout de place an' he'ped wid de cleanin' up an' dish washin'. Kinder house boy, I was. "When us got sick, mammy made us pills out'n herbs.

He brought in his bicycle and put it in the narrow, empty passage, and everyone crowded into a small untidy kitchen, whose table had been hastily cleared of the debris of the midday repast. "You must come in 'ere," said Mrs. Larkins, "for Miriam's turning out the front room. I never did see such a girl for cleanin' up. Miriam's 'oliday's a scrub.

Wiggs saw that now was the time to utilize their enthusiasm. "I'll go right back to the house, an' git Asia to write out the tickets, an' all you boys kin sell ten apiece. Miss Hazy, you kin come over an' help me git the house ready, an' we'll put Chris to cleanin' lamp-chimbleys."

Oncet in awhile they'll snatch yuh fer somethin' yuh never done at all an' lay yuh away fer a day or two, just t' keep yuh scared and easy t' handle next time. "Now, yuh take me, fer instance. I play agin' the law an' I'm cleanin' up right along, and have yet to take my morning sunlight in streaks. I know as much about the inside of a jail as I know about the White House an' no more.