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"Music music," said Mr Bang, "I delight in good music, but" He was cut short by the whole bunch, the clerks and their master, closing their ledgers, and journals, and day books, and cashbooks with a bang, while one hooked up a fiddle, another a clarionet, another a flute, &c, while Mr S offered, with a smile, his own clarionet to Massa Aaron, and holding out at the same time, with the true good breeding of a Frenchman, a span new reed.

The fires of despair had burned themselves out into ashes, the lava had cooled; but the tracks of the flames, the wreckage, and a little smoke remained to bear witness to the violence of the eruption, the ravages of the fire. These images crowded up at the sight of the clarionet player, till the thoughts now grown cold in his face burned hot within my soul.

Musical Instruments: the Dance. Instrumental music was common among the Greeks at games and meals, and in battle. They used no bows on the stringed instruments, but either the fingers or the plectrum, a stick of wood, ivory, or metal. The wind-instruments were the pipe, the clarionet, and the trumpet.

A number of boys, however, soon intruded themselves upon their privacy; and, in truth, they were more amused by the artlessness and playfulness of their manners, than with all the grave and stupid mummery of the Mahommedan worshippers. Groups of people were continually arriving at the spot, and these were welcomed by an occasional flourish of music from a native clarionet, &c.

I have said that Holmes used to listen on the stairs. In after-years, when Keats was reading to me his "Eve of St. "The boisterous midnight festive clarion, The kettle-drum and far-heard clarionet, Affray his ears, though but in dying tone: The hall-door shuts again, and all the noise is gone,"

They had tried him a few times with pinches of snuff offered over the rails, and he had always responded to this attention with a momentary waking up of manner that had the pale phantom of a gentleman in it: beyond this he never, on any occasion, had any other part in what was going on than the part written out for the clarionet; in private life, where there was no part for the clarionet, he had no part at all.

In a few seconds three doors burst open, and three servant-girls rushed at the band with three sixpences to beseech it to go away. "Couldn't go under a shillin' a head," said the clarionet gravely. A word from Gildart, however, induced him to accept of the bribe and depart.

All at once a couple of high clarionet notes waved up to me from the bandstand, and gave my thoughts a new impulse. Despondent at not being able to put my article together, I replaced the paper in my pocket, and leant back in the seat. At this instant my head is so clear that I can follow the most delicate train of thought without tiring.

"I am trembling still," said the ill-starred artist, "from the four bars of cymbals which pierced to my marrow as they opened that short, abrupt introduction with its solo for trombone, its flutes, oboes, and clarionet, all suggesting the most fantastic effects of color.

It was such a new thing that she shrank from it with fear, and found it almost as difficult to say goodbye as Peter had done. If only Uncle Joshua would go with her! Her face looked so wistful that he guessed her unspoken desire. "Now I shouldn't wonder," he said, carefully thrusting the clarionet into its green baize bag, "as how you'd like me to go up yonder with you.