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The young man's face was very red; he was forgetting to hide it now. Then it went white, and he said through clenched teeth: "She sends me mad! I don't know how not to If I don't get her, I shall shoot myself. I shall, you know I'm that sort. It's her eyes. They draw you right out of yourself and leave you " And from his gloved hand the smoked-out cigarette-end fell to the floor.

Tony kissed her again, straining her closer, but Myra broke from him as if in sudden alarm. "There's someone in the corner, Tony," she whispered. "I saw the glow of a cigarette-end. Let's slip out quickly. I hope they didn't see us or hear us, and that they won't rag us later on."

I suppose," she added in an undertone, "we can't give him your explanation for his wife's having forgotten to come?" Bowen echoed her sigh, and then seemed to toss it from him with his cigarette-end; but he stood in silence while the door opened and Ralph Marvell entered. "Well, Laura! Hallo, Charles have you been celebrating too?" Ralph turned to his sister.

"I came here, Smith, to ask questions, not to answer them. On second thoughts, I withdraw my last one, for I can guess the answer. But before we proceed further, I want you to tell me this: what made you sell?" The editor pitched another cigarette-end out of the window.

Beside him, on the little table, lay his still smoldering cigarette-end in the silver tray.... Maggie suddenly sprang to her feet, slipped round the table, and caught him by the arm. "Laurie, Laurie, wake up.... What's the matter?" A long shudder passed through him. He sat up, with a bewildered look. "Eh? What is it?" he said. "Was I asleep?" He rubbed his hands over his eyes and looked round.

Whatever else he had done he had thoroughly aroused our curiosity. "If you want my opinion that's all he was after anyway!" said Will, dropping his last cigarette-end on the floor and flattening it with his slipper. "Cut the cackle, and let's sleep!"

She angrily crushed it, threw it away and took another. The watch-woman, although she was no smoker, immediately picked up the cigarette-end and began to straighten it, talking at the same time. "As I said to Matveievna, dear," she said, "it is ill-luck. They do what they please. And we thought they would discharge you.

I suppose if an old Greek could see it, it would make him sick, but it represents what I mean by being a Greek. It is as near as an Irishman can get to it." "I remember your puzzling me by saying that you were a Greek." Celia laughed, and tossed the cigarette-end away. "I'd puzzle you more, I'm afraid, if I tried to explain to you what I really meant by it.

He moved away, and as they hung over the taffrail he said, with suppressed venom to his companion: "Much good it did them to be 'made a nation'! Look at their press look at their corruption their divorce scandals!" Barnes laughed, and threw his cigarette-end into the swift brown water. "Upon my word, Uncle Archie, I can't play up to you. As far as I've gone, I like America and the Americans."

"I call this part of the line beastly depressing." The speaker tossed his cigarette-end away as he spoke. It fell on the railway line, and the tiny smoke from it curled up for a moment against the heavy background of spruce as the train receded. "All the same, this is going to be one of the most exciting parts of Canada before long," said Lady Merton, looking up from her guide-book.