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They were off, past the surging crowds who were now thronging the entire street, past The Bow, and over the bridge on their way to The Gore. "Run on ahead, girlies," said Aileen to the twins who were with her for their annual checkerberry picnic, "I'll be down in a few minutes."

It is past his customary hour, but he has been detained, no doubt, by some urgent case. Doctor Strong never spares himself. I fear for him sometimes, I must confess. Will you step in and wait, or shall I colic? oh! if that is all, it will hardly be necessary to send the doctor out. I shall take the liberty of giving you a bottle of my checkerberry cordial.

Caukins, but I'll not trouble him; Tave is coming up to drive me home about eight; he knows checkerberry picking isn't easy work." Mrs. Caukins was looking out of the window and did not reply. "I declare," she exclaimed, "if there isn't Octavius this very minute driving up in a rush to Aurora's too and Father Honoré's with him! Why, what "

I suffered it to remain. Placing in my lap a small but not ungrateful roll of checkerberry lozenges, he took the occasion to repeat softly in my ear the words of a motto he had just unwrapped with its graceful covering of the tissue paper from a sugar almond. The heart of the wicked little rebel, Mary McGillup, was won! The story of Mary McGillup is done.

Come here," he said to Charlie, who had opened the door to ask Aunt Stanshy a question, "come here and see what apothecaries carry in their pockets. Some folks think they only carry drugs and such things, but you see if it is so?" Here he put into Charlie's fat hand a long and toothsome piece of checkerberry pipe stem!

The woman seemed to think it necessary she should feed Snip with a portion of one cake that had already been counted out for Seth, and to still further tempt the dog's appetite by giving him an inch or more broken from one of the checkerberry sticks, before attending to her duties as clerk, after which she concluded her portion of the transaction by holding out a not over-cleanly hand for the money.

Awhile he spake and thought only of red deer and Indians; of the trillium that opened its white triangle in his shade; of the scented arbutus, fair as the pink ocean shell, weaving her fragrant mats in the moss at his feet; of feathery ferns, casting their silent shadows on the checkerberry leaves, and all those sweet, wild, nameless, half-mossy things, that live in the gloom of forests, and are only desecrated when brought to scientific light, laid out and stretched on a botanic bier.

Let us suppose in the interval, how Moses and Mara read Virgil with the minister, and how Mara works a shepherdess with Miss Emily, which astonishes the neighborhood, but how by herself she learns, after divers trials, to paint partridge, and checkerberry, and trailing arbutus, how Moses makes better and better ships, and Sally grows up a handsome girl, and goes up to Brunswick to the high school, how Captain Kittridge tells stories, and Miss Roxy and Miss Ruey nurse and cut and make and mend for the still rising generation, how there are quiltings and tea-drinkings and prayer meetings and Sunday sermons, how Zephaniah and Mary Pennel grow old gradually and graciously, as the sun rises and sets, and the eternal silver tide rises and falls around our little gem, Orr's Island.

There were not many mushrooms any more, but we gathered gay red berries for decoration, bunches of late fern, sprays of bittersweet; we raked over the leaves for nuts, and sometimes found bits of spicy wintergreen or checkerberry, the kind that always flavored old-fashioned lozenges which our grandmothers bought in little rolls for a penny, on the way to school.

Here were, indeed, great riches, "a little of everything" that pasture life affords: a hardy bed of checkerberry, crimson strawberries nodding on long stalks, and in one sequestered corner the beloved Linnaea.