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In the center of the grove was the pond that had for centuries been the swimming pool for boys, Indian and white. Ground pine and "checkerberry" grew abundantly in the grove. Both boys breathed deep of the piney fragrance and filled their mouths with pungent "checkerberry" leaves. The path, deep worn by many bare feet, circled round the great pines to the clearing where the pond lay.

Prettier even than the flowers, however, was the December greenness, especially of the humbler sorts: St. John's-wort, five-finger, the creeping blackberries, whose modest winter loveliness was never half appreciated, herb-robert, corydalis, partridge-berry, checkerberry, wintergreen, rattlesnake-plantain, veronica, and linnæa, to say nothing of the ferns and mosses.

The raw eggs tasted good to the hungry girls, and the good corn-bread and spicy berries and tender checkerberry leaves, with cool water to drink, made them both feel refreshed and rested, and ready for the remaining distance to Chandler's River settlement. They crossed the little brook and went sturdily on. Now and then a partridge flew in front of them.

Now it was cress from the spring, now a palm-full of partridge berries, or a cluster of checkerberry leaves for a "cud," or a bit of wood-sorrel. By and by the fall stillness gave out a breath of heat, and the sun stood high overhead. Letty spread out her dinner, and David made her a fire among the rocks.

I'm goin' up to the store. It's pretty nigh eight o'clock in the mornin' and that store ain't open yet." "Want to come along, Mary-'Gusta?" asked Zoeth. "She can come, can't she, Shad?" "Yes, yes, course she can," more genially. "Cal'late there's some of those sassafras checkerberry lozengers left yet. Come on, Mary-'Gusta, if you want to." But the child shook her head.