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Updated: August 25, 2024

"The beest reckonised me. Has I was putting on my palto in the hall, he came up again: 'HOW DY DOO, Jeames? says he, in a findish visper. 'Just come out here, Chawles, says I, 'I've a word for you, my old boy. So I beckoned him into Portland Place, with my pus in my hand, as if I was going to give him a sovaring. "'I think you said "Jeames," Chawles, says I, 'and grind at me at dinner?

Chawles says: "Next spring and summer I shall canvas the state thoroughly, presenting my views of public questions to the people." Which is to say that while we are paying him a good stiff salary for doing his little best to discharge the duties of one office, he will "canvas the state thoroughly" chasing another.

No doubt it had been the wheels of that dog-cart which they had heard in the distance. Then he turned to Brooks. "How is it you remained behind?" he asked, sharply. Brooks's face fell, and he explained that just as he was starting in the pursuit he had caught his legs on "Sir Chawles sir's" stick, and "barked hisself." "I remember," said Charles. "You got in my way.

He mixed up the first murderer with quite the wrong murder, and capped his mistake in the next breath with an intolerable libel on the very pearl of our particular tribe. "This revawlver," he began, "belonged to the celebrited burgular, Chawles Peace. These are his spectacles, that's his jimmy, and this here knife's the one that Chawley killed the policeman with."

You know, the Sylvesters are awfully well connected, and so on, but they haven't got much money. Mrs. Sylvester has a life annuity, and Charles whom I always want to call 'Chawles, because he's so pompous has got his professional income. And Eve has got a little, enough to dress her, I should think.

"Certainly," said Richling, with evident disappointment. "Well, it's juz a poss'bil'ty that you'll wefwain fum spillin' out fum yeh till the negs cawneh. Thass the manneh of those who ah not acquainted with the pee-ogue. 'Lost to sight, to memo'y deah' if you'll egscuse the maxim. Thass Chawles Dickens mague use of that egspwession." Richling answered with a gay shake of the head.

I fancy Central Park might come to look like this if allowed to go untrimmed and unfussed-over for two or three hundred years. "The Common, sir," says Cabby, turning about, "where King Chawles did use to 'unt wild boars. Fav'rite walk of Halexander Pope, sir, the poet, and Doctor Watts, which wrote the 'ymn-book. Cluck!"

"An' Sir Chawles would like to know if ye would care for a humberreller?" "Ah, m'sieu'! he rains?" I inquired. "No, mum." "Ah! he is going to rain, maybe?" He made no answer, but turned quickly and went to a near closet, from which he brought a faded umbrella. "There," said he, as he led me to the front door, "see that you send it back."

The man who brought her refreshment and stood behind her chair, had talked her character over with the large gentleman in motley-coloured clothes at his side. Bon Dieu! it is awful, that servants' inquisition! Madam, your secret will be talked over by those men at their club at the public-house to-night. Jeames will tell Chawles his notions about you over their pipes and pewter beer-pots.

On the contry, "Chawles," said he to me, "stick a piece of paper on my door," which is the way that lawyers do, "and write 'Back at seven' upon it." Back at seven I wrote, and stuck it on our outer oak. It's extrodny how ickonomical a man becomes, when he's got five thousand lbs. in his pockit. Back at 7 indeed! At 7 we were a-roalin on the Dover Road, in the Reglator Coach master inside, me out.

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