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The two younger girls then told of the pit and the river and all agreed that it might be the stream found by the prospector before the landslide covered his claim. MONTRESOR'S CLAIM is JUSTIFIED Polly turned to place the nuggets in the pannier and almost collided with Noddy. "Hello, darling! What do you want eh?" said she, patting the burro's head.

"Oh, come on, Bill," interrupted the owner, stepping to the nearest burro's head. "We'll go on over to Presby, and get rid of this man of his. It won't hurt the burros to go a little farther." He turned to the watchman, who was scowling and obdurate. "Where can Presby and the Rattler be found?" he asked crisply. "Around the turn down at the mouth of the cañon," the watchman mumbled.

"Ha, bribon!" he said, pinching the burro's ears. "What is the use of wasting breath? Sus, sus, amigo!" The burro began to buck and Alejandro stepped back. As he did so he saw approaching him from behind the wagons a man in tattered garments, with a hat dragged over his eyes, and a great mass of furzy yellow beard. "Here, you!" said this person. "Oh, you're Mexican! Ya lo veo "

"Then you don't believe that little Lopez had anything to do with it, Frank?" "What, that Mex boy? Oh! he's out of the business long ago," replied the other. "In what way? Didn't he come along this trail ahead of us?" asked Bob. "Sure thing," Frank went on. "But you see I've missed the marks of that burro's little hoofs for nearly twenty minutes.

"Muta, she thinks a heap o' the ole man, ye see, an' she's always lookin' out that strangers don't mean 'im any harm." He placed both arms about the shaggy burro's neck. "You must be more polite, Muta," he said chidingly, while the little animal trust out her upper lip and nibbled at the large horn buttons on his dusty canvas coat. "Which way are you bound?" asked Hiram. "South now.

She gathered together her coarse woollen underclothes, her stout short dresses, and thick boots, and packed them in two flat cases, such as can be strapped to a burro's side, and these were to be all she would take up to the cabin in the gulch besides her wealth of natural beauty.

So Mr. Brewster started for the house and Polly settled herself in a more comfortable position while crooning to little Noddy. As she sat holding the little burro's head, her thoughts wandered back to the time when Noddy was but three days old. The mother had died and left the tiny bundle of brown wool to be brought up on a nursing bottle.

"And, Firio, we are going to change our base, as the army men say and change it before the moon rises. Jag Ear, we shall have to leave you behind," he added, when they had dropped back to the burro's side. "Just make yourself comfortable. Leddy surely wouldn't think of killing so valuable a member of the non-combatant class. We will come for you, by and by. It will be all right!"

Of course, Polly decided to ride Noddy, as the burro was well acquainted with her mistress's ways and the mountains. Eleanor preferred a burro also, because, as she said comically, "if one falls from a burro's back it is not far to Mother Earth." The two other girls selected horses, sure-footed and trained for climbing. On the morning chosen for the trip, Mrs.

Every few yards of the bad lands offered perfect lurking places for liers-in-wait along the trail. Lennon glanced at the butt of his rifle in its sheath on the burro's pack. He recalled the tales of the old prospector whose copper mine he was seeking to rediscover. But his glance was only momentary.