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"This comes of bringing their plaguy brats with them," said Uncle and Bagshaw. Whilst this scene was going on, Jack Richards, perceiving that the service of the table was incomplete, bethought him of Uncle John's silver-handled knives and forks and spoons; he felt first in one pocket, and then in the other, then he ran down to search the boat, then he rummaged the baskets.

I know one person," with a slight glance at me, "who will be as fidgety as she is high if her mind's not at rest. She'll see a savage in every bush, a tiger behind every stone, and sharks walking on the sand swallowing brats like pills. It did not seem very large, captain, though we can hardly tell now, walled in as we are by these great cliffs." Capt. "I think your advice very sensible, Madam.

Tim has between five and six acres, and he owes twenty-two pound tin; his oats is worth, maybe, five pound fifteen, from that to six pound, and his cow about six pound more; that's all Tim has, barring the brats and the mother of them.

Tess remained quiet until the paroxysm had passed. "Air yer pappy a good sprinkler of brats?" Teola nodded. "Air it likely he would sprinkle this 'un'?" "I don't think my father would turn away a dying babe that needed cleansing of its sin by the Holy Ghost." "The Huly what? The student were a-talkin' 'bout him once." "The Holy Ghost," explained Teola.

"They ain't none han'somer as ever wasted her time ridin' herd on a bunch of dirty-faced brats. Say, Con," a bit doubtfully, "I wouldn't mind showin' you you ain't goin' to blow it off to the boys, are you?" Conniston swore himself to secrecy and watched Lonesome Pete with twinkling eyes as the cowboy put his hand deep into the inside pocket of his vest the left pocket.

It's bad to see the poor little squalling brats in the filth and smoke down yonder, and worse still in this damned London. Great God! when there's so much of the world clean and sweet, here we pack and swelter together, a million to the square mile! What eternal fools we are! Harvey growled his heartiest agreement.

"Did she ask what had happened, when all Pomerania rung with it? when nobles were beheaded before her face as if they were nothing more than beggars' brats? when the delicate and high-born Lady Sidonia, who had been entrusted to her care by Duke Barnim himself, was turned out of the castle in the middle of the night as if she were a street-girl, because, forsooth, she would not learn her catechism?

When there's no leisure, no meditation, no peace and quietness, when, instead of conversing, people just nod or shout to each other as they spin round and round the gulf, men and women practically return to the state of savages in all that concerns their offspring. The brats have come into existence, and must make the best of it.

"Send him back where he belongs; we don't want poorhouse brats here!" "Do him up! Butt in, fellows! Make a clean sweep of it now!" Among all these outcries, only that one concerning the "poorhouse" stung the ears of the boy at bay. It was so cruel, so mean, so utterly uncalled for, that his whole body seemed to quiver with indignation, and a burning fire shot through his veins.

"Because I went through his clothes last night when he was asleep, and he had only six cents in his pocket. We don't want no starvin' brats around here, to bring the Gerry Society down upon us." It was well that Archie didn't know his pockets had been searched while he was asleep, or his faith in human nature would have been more shaken than ever before.