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I am glad to hear that the brats are well. You set off, I understand, on Tuesday; so this will find you in your Chateau antique et romanesque. J'en respecte meme les murailles; tout y a un air si respectable. I will write to my Lord in a few days, and when I hope to have seen the Dean, but from what his neighbour Mr.

Her appearance among her tenants caused general trepidation, as usual. When the clustering drabs and brats discovered that she felt no present interest in women and children, but that she demanded speech with the men, the elder men, their dismay deepened into acute consternation.

Next day Imam Din told me that the child was suffering slightly from fever and needed quinine. He got the medicine, and an English Doctor. "They have no stamina, these brats," said the Doctor, as he left Imam Din's quarters.

The service is going to h l, Sir! A parcel of brats, with lieutenants' commissions before they should have been clear of the nursery! No, Sir: stay on board, or, d n me, I'll break you, like an egg-shell, before you have taken the shine out of that fine new epaulette! No, no, by G ; no more cats here than catch mice.

"He's not supposed to think of his brats now, but of his oath to the flag, of the oath he swore to his Majesty, his Commander-in-Chief! You just told them so yourself, Captain." "Yes, yes, I know I did," Captain Marschner nodded absent-mindedly, and let himself slide down slowly on the grass.

What is the land coming to, when such doctrines are preached in the pulpits; when those in authority are told 't is their duty to do what the riff-raff think best? As well let their brats and bunters tell us what to do. They'll not force me to attend their meeting, nor to yield a jot."

"Go to the divil out o' that!" shouted the prophet "don't be tormentin' us wid yourself and your brats." "Didn't you hear already," repeated his wife, "that you got your answer? We're poor ourselves, and we can't help every one that comes to us. It's not for you now." "Don't you hear that there's nothing for you?" again cried the prophet, in an angry voice; "yet you'll be botherin' us!"

You would have been glad to have had one of these same base-born brats yourself a year ago." "Joking apart, my friend, you see that I am a ruined man, a man whom infernal intrigues have sent to the devil. If what I fear really happens, I shall blow my brains out.

This was the little girl for whom Gertrude had been making a dress the other day; she had looked very shocked Gertrude when he had asked her if she proposed to make clothes for all the dirty little brats in the neighborhood, and had told him with some dignity that Dolly was a very pretty baby, and was kept as clean as could be expected. Dolly was a pretty baby.

A little farther off, two men-one tough and strong, a man of thirty, whom toil had made forty, the other old, wrinkled, white-haired and with skin like leather, father and grandfather, doubtless, of the little brats beyond were eating bread and cheese, and drinking, turn by turn, out of a bottle of wine, which they swallowed in gulps. The halt was a rest to these poor people.